Govt Repairs Roads On Bermuda Day Route

May 25, 2023

[Written by Don Burgess]

The government has swung into quick action to make temporary repairs to fix the roads ahead of Friday’s Bermuda Day festivities.

A deluge of rain hammered the island this week, leaving a multitude of potholes scattered across the roads.

Works & Engineering were working from St. George’s to Bernard Park to ensure the Half Marathon Derby race route was free of potholes.

The temporary fix saw the crew filling in the holes with asphalt to secure the safety of runners and cyclists. A more permanent fix is slated to happen in the near future.

A Government spokesperson told Bernews, “We are repairing roads damaged by the heavy rains experienced earlier this week. All areas along the race route are now completed and teams are continuing to tackle areas across the island. These measures are of course temporary and will be addressed permanently in the future.” divider line ewrr

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  1. puzzled says:

    “Swung” into action.

    They got leftover something and now will pay 50 guys to work 100 hours to fill holes.

  2. Micro says:

    The best part of this article is the use of the word “temporary”.

  3. Quick way says:

    They did not even pound it in. It is only going to come back up, lazy.

  4. Joe Bloggs says:

    “These measures are of course temporary and will be addressed permanently in the future.”

    Yup, right after the new drawbridge at the Causeway is installed and the Bailey Bridges removed.

    • Bingo! says:

      Na right after the PLP gives the OBAubpeeeee another beating. Yup

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        So after 2025 but before 2030. Thank you. I will hold the PLP Government to that promise!

  5. Ok….I get it…our roads are deplorable and countries with less gdp have better paved roads…ok…got that…anythng else ?

  6. Pave …ubp paved our roads…oba paved our roads…..plp ?
    Is there a process that re utilises the asphalt ?
    This should be the way forward.

  7. Mr. Wolfy says:

    Temporarily remedial….they should just …uh…sweep it under a carpet …and quick look over there…..i am truly suprised this wasn’t done as a photo op for the next election you know get an MP and a chrome or gold plated shovel to put the first bit…how much do those new buses weigh anyway ? We need helium baloon buses the all you would need is a portable fan.

  8. Marine Life says:

    Look How much money to license our cars every year at TCD. How many cars got their alignment messed up on these Potholes? Primarily roads that hadn’t been paved in many years , that had thousands of CRACKS in them had all the potholes. Thanks Government!
    Around Paget Traffic lights and Botanical Gardens the roads are in great condition. They were paved not to many years ago- no Potholes in these! Many other areas with years’ old trenches still have NOT been rendered. Why??? Other sections of roads that are in deplorable state, that are not getting trenched , should already have been milled and repaved! We the Public pay for the roads through our taxes and licensing. GOVERNMENT is Liable and needs to stop making excuses why they are not paving 14% of the roads each year, which was a stated fact years ago. Even before BELCO started chopping into them!