Minister: Summer Student Jobs Increased To 180

May 19, 2023

“The Department of Workforce Development’s Summer Employment Programme has increased the number of summer student placements available from 130 to 180 spaces for the 2023 programme,” Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward said.

Speaking in the House of Assembly today [May 19] the Minister said, “This increase is in direct alignment with Goals 1 and 2 of the Government’s Youth Employment Strategy; which speaks to increasing opportunities for local training and expanding career support for young people from high school through to early employment.

“The Department of Workforce Development offers two distinct programmes designed for students at varying levels in their academic careers.

“The university and college student Summer Employment Programme [SEP] provides college students with ten weeks of work experience with a weekly stipend of $600.

“In 2022, this programme received a budget allocation of $450,000 and accommodated 80 students. This year, the department has re-allocated $134,000 to support an additional 20 placements making it possible for up to 100 college and university students to participate.

“For the high school student summer internship programme, the number of placements has been increased by 60% from 50 to 80, increasing the budget from $80,000 to one $116,000 dollars.

“Students will be afforded a ‘work shadow’ experience in their career interests for 4 weeks during the month of July and will be paid a stipend of $1,600 upon completion of the work experience.”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to share the Government’s continued efforts to provide invaluable opportunities for the next generation of workers. I am pleased to inform this Honorable House that the Department of Workforce Development’s Summer Employment Programme has increased the number of summer student placements available from 130 to 180 spaces for the 2023 programme.

This increase is in direct alignment with Goals 1 and 2 of the Government’s Youth Employment Strategy; which speaks to increasing opportunities for local training and expanding career support for young people from high school through to early employment.

Mr. Speaker, Summer student placements provide an excellent opportunity for young Bermudians to gain practical experience in a range of fields, while also contributing to the work of our Government and the community. These placements are an investment in our future workforce, and I am thrilled that we will be able to offer these opportunities to even more young Bermudians.

We recognize the importance of these placements, not only for the students who participate but also for the departments and agencies who benefit from the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas these students bring to the workplace. By expanding the number of summer student placements, we are creating more opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Mr. Speaker, The Department of Workforce Development offers two distinct programmes designed for students at varying levels in their academic careers.

The university and college student Summer Employment Programme [SEP] provides college students with ten weeks of work experience with a weekly stipend of $600. The programme’s objectives are to provide meaningful work experience, offer exposure to careers and employment opportunities within the Government, create opportunities to gain leadership and decision-making skills, and encourage citizenship and service. Additionally, the programme aims to introduce participants to career and employment competency standards and to foster the development of career goals by connecting work experience to academic learning.

In 2022, this programme received a budget allocation of [four hundred-fifty thousand dollars [$450,000] and accommodated eighty [80] students. This year, the department has re-allocated one-hundred thirty-four thousand dollars [$134,000] to support an additional twenty [20] placements making it possible for up to one hundred [100] college and university students to participate.

For the high school student summer internship programme, the number of placements has been increased by 60% from 50 to 80, increasing the budget from eighty thousand dollars [$80,000] to one hundred-sixteen thousand [$116,000] dollars. This programme provides young people aged 15 to 18 with practical and meaningful experiences in a safe, structured, and professional environment mentored while being coached by proprietors and business managers in both the private and public sectors. Students will be afforded a “work shadow” experience in their career interests for four [4] weeks during the month of July and will be paid a stipend of sixteen hundred dollars [$1,600] upon completion of the work experience.

Mr. Speaker, the aims and objectives of the two programmes vary, as the distinction between the two programmes is important given the age demographic unique to the two groups. It is important to note that the Department of Workforce Development intends to re-allocate $170K to accommodate the increase in student placements for the 2023 Summer Employment Programmes.

Mr. Speaker, I am grateful to the Government departments, private sector partners, and personnel who have provided our young people with such rich and meaningful summer experiences. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of our industry partners who continue to work with us in support of our young people.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to encourage the business community to consider extending summer employment and internships to our young people this year. It is crucial to provide our young people with opportunities for meaningful work experience; so that they, in turn, will become productive citizens within our community.

In closing Mr. Speaker, I look forward to seeing the positive impact these programmes will have on the lives and careers of the young Bermudians who will participate.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    Another step in our march to socialism, where everyone will be a Government employee.

    We will succeed where the USSR failed!

    • Gwan says:

      How many learning about the great Crypto? How many in the the Gaming Commission? How many helping with Agro Farming? Hopefully we aren’t just creating F&F jobs where there is no need. That will give these students a false impression of what work is like in the real world.