Official Govt & Legal Notices For May 22 2023

May 22, 2023

The official Government and Legal notices for today [May 22] include public notification, jury service, acting appointments and trademark applications.


Revising Tribunal

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Public Notification
  • Notice ID: GN0456/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: The Judiciary
  • Publication date: 22 May 2023

Government Notice No:

Jurors Act, 1971

Revising Tribunal

In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Section 8 of the Jurors Act, 1971, I hereby determine that it shall be the duty of the Revising Tribunal to sit during the period of Wednesday 28th June 2023 to Friday 30th June 2023 to scrutinize, and where necessary revise, the preliminary list of jurors pursuant to the aforementioned section.

Dated at Hamilton this 22nd day of May 2023.

Narinder Hargun
Chief Justice


Notice Of Selection Of Persons Liable For Jury Service

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Jury Service
  • Notice ID: GN0455/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: The Judiciary
  • Publication date: 22 May 2023

Government Notice No:

Jurors Act, 1971

In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Section 6[4] and [5] of the Jurors Act, 1971, I hereby determine that at 3.00 p.m. in the afternoon on Tuesday 23RD May 2023, in the Information Technology Office, Government Administration, Hamilton, the selection shall take place of persons liable for Jury Service.

I hereby nominate Randy Scott JP, a Judicial Officer to make such selection by means of the computer generated random selection.

Dated this 22nd day of May 2023.

Narinder Hargun

Chief Justice


New Care Home Application

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Public Notification
  • Notice ID: GN0454/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Bermuda Health Council
  • Publication date: 22 May 2023

New Care Home Application

In accordance with the provisions of Section 8 [1] of the Residential Care Homes and Nursing Homes Act 1999, the Bermuda Health Council would like to make notice to the public that Fredricka Russell is intending to open a Residential Care Facility at the address.

Sunlit Ends Assisted Living

9 St. Michael’s Road

Paget, PG04

The facility will provide board and personal care 10 residents, and day care services for 0 day care participants.

Should there be an objection against the licensing of this home you may object within 7 days of the date of publication of this notice. An objection must specify the grounds on which it is made. Anyone who wishes to object can contact The Bermuda Health Council at or 4412926420.

Best Regards,

The Bermuda Health Council


Director Health Insurance Department Mrs. Virloy Lewin

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0453/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Health Insurance
  • Publication date: 22 May 2023

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment

Director, Health Insurance Department

Ministry Of Health

Mrs. Virloy Lewin, Health Promotion Coordinator, Department of Health has been appointed to act as Director, Health Insurance Department from the

22nd May, 2023 to 26th May, 2023 inclusive.

Derrick S. Binns, JP, Ph.D

Head of Public Service


Chief Information Officer Ms. Jonelle Steede

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0452/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Information and Digital Technologies
  • Publication date: 22 May 2023

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment

Chief Information Officer,

Department Of Information And Digital Technologies

Cabinet Ministry

Ms. Jonelle Steede, Senior Manager, Administration & Training, Department of Information and Digital Technologies, has been appointed to act as Chief Information Officer, Department of Information and Digital Technologies from the 15th May to 29th May, 2023 inclusive.

Derrick S. Binns, JP, Ph.D

Secretary to the Cabinet/Head of the Civil Service


Erratum in Respect of Government Notice No. GN0740/2022

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Trademark Applications
  • Notice ID: GN0457/2023
  • Amended Notice ID: GN0740/2022
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 22 May 2023

Document Upload: Erratum In Respect of GN0740-2022 [59653] [PDF]


The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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