Official Govt & Legal Notices For May 31 2023

May 31, 2023

The official Government and Legal notices for today [May 31] include appointments, acting appointments, trademark applications, assent & notification of planning applications registered.


Appointments :- Disability Advisory Council

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0481/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 31 May 2023

The Minister of Social Development and Seniors is pleased to make the following appointments.

Disability Advisory Council
Advisory Body

  • Chairman – Mrs. Sacha Richardson
  • Deputy Chairman – Mrs. Lisa Davis
  • Mr. Dejon Simons
  • Mrs. Heather Outerbridge
  • Mrs. Ralda Jones
  • Ms Brianna Roach
  • Ms. Esme Williams
  • Ms. Sharon Symonds
  • Ms. Suzanne DeCouto
  • T’Neil Dickinson


Acting Appointment :- Collector Of Customs

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0480/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Customs
  • Publication date: 31 May 2023

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment – Collector Of Customs

Mr. James Richard Amos, Assistant Collector of Customs, Customs Department

has been appointed to act as Collector of Customs

during the period 03rd June, 2023 through to the 11th June, 2023.

Derrick S. Binns, JP, PhD

Head of the Public Service


Acting Appointment :- Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Public Works

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0479/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 31 May 2023

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment

Permanent Secretary

Ministry Of Public Works

Mr. Kirk Outerbridge, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Public Works has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Works from 4th June, 2023 until 9th June, 2023.

Derrick S. Binns JP, Ph.D

Head of the Public Service


Trademark Applications Advertised Before Registration No. 57

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Trademark Applications
  • Notice ID: GN0478/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 31 May 2023

Document Upload: Trademarks-Application-Advertisements 31-May-23 [PDF]


Appointments :- Bermuda Medical Council

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0477/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 31 May 2023

The Minister of Health is pleased to make the following appointments.

Bermuda Medical Council
Medical Practitioners Act 2015

  • Chairman – Dr. Fiona Ross
  • Dr. Chief Medical Officer
  • Dr. Laura Murphy
  • Dr. Yosef Morant-Wade
  • Ms. Angelita D. Dill
  • Ms. Rehanna Palumbo


Assent :- Assent Of The Governor

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Assent
  • Notice ID: GN0476/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Government House
  • Publication date: 31 May 2023


The Assent Of The Governor Was Given On

The 30th Day Of May, 2023

To The Following

Digital Asset Business Amendment Act 2023

Insurance Amendment Act 2023


Notice Of Proposed Delisting Of a Building [Historic Monument] Of Special Architectural And Historical Interest

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notification of Planning Applications Registered
  • Notice ID: GN0475/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Planning
  • Publication date: 31 May 2023


Government Of Bermuda

Ministry Of Home Affairs

Development And Planning Act 1974

Notice Of Proposed Delisting Of a Building [Historic Monument] Of Special Architectural And Historical Interest

Reference Number HM049


‘Blythe Dale’ 179 North Shore Road, Hamilton Parish [Grade 3]

Whereas pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of the Development and Planning Act,

1974, I, the Hon. Walter H. Roban, JP, MP, Minister of Home Affairs, am considering the

De-Listing of the above-mentioned building;

And Whereas I, the Minister, must before removing the historic monument from the

List of buildings of special architectural or historical interest give notice to the owners,

occupiers, and the public of my intention And Also give them an opportunity to make

such representations or objections as they think fit;

Now Therefore, under the provisions of Section 30 of the Development and Planning

Act, 1974 and all other powers thereunto enabling, i Hereby Give Notice, that I will

receive any representations or objections to be considered by me before removing the said

building in the list, such representations or objections should be made in writing to the

Permanent Secretary [Home Affairs], c/o Jessica Dill, Forward Planning, Department of

Planning, Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building, 5th Floor, 58 Court Street, Hamilton, HM 12.

This should reach the Department before Thursday 29th June 2023.

Given under my hand this 30th day of May 2023

The Hon. Walter H. Roban, JP, MP

Minister of Home Affairs

The Minister responsible for Planning


The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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