Opposition Leader’s Bermuda Day Message

May 25, 2023

Cole Simons Bermuda December 2018[Bermuda Day message from Opposition Leader Cole Simons]

Bermuda Day is a special holiday for Bermudians. On this day, we have the opportunity to purposefully celebrate our rich culture and history – highlighting Bermuda’s past, present, and future. For many, the day is jam-packed with activities like the Bermuda Day parade, the marathon derby, and festive music. For others it’s’ about camping, some may travel off the island and for others, it’s a day to enjoy time with family, friends and mouth-watering food.

This year’s Bermuda Day theme- “Renaissance,” is a fitting tribute to our cultural heritage and ongoing metamorphosis. The word “Renaissance” originates from the French term “rebirth” and describes a period of growth, development, and cultural and artistic revival.

Despite facing several significant challenges in recent years, Bermuda has continued to evolve and flourish, because at the heart of Bermuda’s renaissance are its people. As a people, we are passionate, resilient, and devoted to our Island home. We take great pride in our cultural heritage and work tirelessly to ensure that the island’s future is bright not only for ourselves, but for generations to come. From enterprising entrepreneurs, and established businesses, to inspiring artists and athletes, to community leaders, and everyday citizens, collectively, we have all been instrumental in driving the island’s growth and transformation.

This Bermuda Day, let us reflect on our island’s unique culture and rich history and embrace the spirit of Renaissance. Let us continue to work together to preserve our heritage, while welcoming new ideas and opportunities, and let us pay tribute to the men and women of Bermuda who have played a vital role in shaping our island’s future. Happy Bermuda Day!

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For extensive coverage of Bermuda Day spanning over a decade, visit our website BDADay.com, the island’s most comprehensive resource on the Bermuda Day holiday.

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