Premier Burt Meets State Of Qatar’s Ambassador

May 11, 2023

Premier David Burt met with His Excellency Fahad bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah, the State of Qatar’s Ambassador to the UK.

The Premier tweeted the photo below saying, “Yesterday, I met with His Excellency Fahad bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah, the State of Qatar’s Ambassador to the UK.

“As Bermuda seeks to expand its reach beyond North America and Europe, it is essential that we cultivate relationships with countries in the Gulf region like Qatar.

“I look forward to continuing to build on the relationship between our two countries that was established after Premier Cox’s 2011 visit.”

Fahad bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah and Premier David Burt Bermuda May 11 2023

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  1. Unbelievable says:

    Ok so he met with the ambassador. What did they talk about? What was the point? This press release doesn’t say anything really.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      That is the very point of a “photo op”. It reminds people who you are but it provides no useful information.

  2. Get back to Bermuda…and start fixing the mess you already made !