Video: Marshall & Lindsay Win Half Marathon

May 26, 2023

[Updated + Written by Stephen Wright]

Lamont Marshall has become a four-times Bermuda Day Half-Marathon Derby champion, having finished the iconic race as the first local runner today [May 26].

Marshall, who also triumphed in 2016, 2018 and 2019, finished the 13-mile race from St George’s to Bernard Park in 1hr 14min 23sec.

Sean Trott came runner-up for a fourth time, finishing in 1:16:20, with Moses Mufandaedza placing third in 1:18:45.

The first runner to cross the line was Dennis Mbelenzi, who lived on the island from 2007 to 2019 before moving to Nova Scotia, Canada, finishing in 1:12:41. The Kenyan is not eligible to be classed as a champion as he is not a Bermudian citizen or lived on the island for the past six months.

Gayle Lindsay claimed her first women’s title, finishing in 1:29:22, with Brianna Mendes [1:30:11] placing second and Christine Dailey [1:33:48] third.

“I’m just trying to take it all in right now,” Lindsay said. “I had so much fun and just tried to enjoy it.

“It’s such a unique race. The crowd is phenomenal and gives you a boost even in the rain.

“I just tried to run my race. The smile will be on my face for a long time!”

We will update with the full results as able.

Update May 28, 10.34am: The full Bermuda Half Marathon Derby results follows below [PDF here]: divider line ewrr

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Comments (11)

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  1. Graeme says:

    I’m sure Lamont is delighted to ‘win’ a race when he actually came second.

    Its a bizarre rule, and as a 13 year resident Dennis is the true winner.

  2. Question says:

    Marshall did not win.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    “he is not a Bermudian citizen…”

    There is no such thing as a “Bermudian citizen”. There are people who possess “Bermudian status” and there are people who do not.

    • Backwards we look says:

      So the race is for Bermudian citizens only. They took his entry fee di$nt they? Love the rules on this rock no wonder we are sinking like a stone. Next the govt will say that the cash for residency millions doesn’t allow you to say or do boo.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “So the race is for Bermudian citizens only”

        I repeat, there is no such thing as a “Bermudian citizen”. There are people who possess “Bermudian status” and there are people who do not.

  4. SMH! says:

    Why was this guy allowed to run when he couldn’t be declared the winner? This has put a bad stain on the event. I why did he run when he knew he could not be declared the winner? That was not good sportsmanship on his behalf.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Not everyone competes for glory. Some people compete simply for the sport.

      As long as Dennis Mbelenzi knew he could not be crowned the winner, I have no issue with his competing.

    • Question says:

      Blaming the guy who wins? Typical.

  5. Vasey says:

    This is a local place, for local people.

  6. WOW! says:

    This is why Dennis should not have been allowed to run because now people are saying Marshall did not win the race. If it’s for locals only and they only allow locals to run, the field of runners would be very small and also the bank account. They need to make the decision, locals only or an international race. What was Dennis trying to prove by running other than he can win it? Did Dennis or the organizers give it any thought as to what it would look like if he finished first? We all know the reason.

    • Question says:

      People are saying LM didn’t win the race because he didn’t.