Video: “Foster Bermuda’s Future” Campaign

May 11, 2023

Minister of Social Development & Seniors Tinee Furbert and Foster Care Coordinator Selena Simons held a press conference this morning [May 11] to discuss the “Foster Bermuda’s Future” awareness campaign.

Minister Furbert said, “During May we celebrate Foster Care Month, and today the Ministry of Social Development and Seniors and the Department of Child and Family Services are delighted to present a campaign of love, ‘Foster Bermuda’s Future’.

“Firstly, I want to thank the Department of Child and Family Services [DCFS] for helping to organize the ‘Foster Bermuda’s Future’ awareness campaign.

“Under the authority of The Children Act 1998, DCFS is responsible for all child protection matters pertaining to young people ranging from newborns up until the age of eighteen [18].

“For a variety of reasons, some children cannot remain with their families, and with the support of the Department of Child and Family Services, Foster Parents provide a supportive connection for Bermuda’s foster children.

“We are extremely blessed for foster families who open their hearts and homes to provide nurturing, guidance, and love for foster children.

“Bermuda’s Foster Parents are heroes who give selflessly of themselves and deserve nothing but praise for their role in providing stability to our foster children.

“The intention of the ‘Foster Bermuda’s Future’ awareness campaign is to encourage more people within our community to become foster parents.

“Bermuda has close to sixty [60] Foster Families on the island, and some of them are caring for more than one foster child at a time.

“The Department of Child and Family Services is looking for Foster Parents who can get involved and be on standby for our pending emergencies.

“We are especially interested in those who have experience in caring for or working with young people.
Even if you are not in a position to care for a child full-time, Respite Foster Parents are an essential part of our vibrant programme as well.

‘Bermuda, our children need our support for many reasons. I encourage anyone in a position to provide a caring, safe, and nurturing home to contact the Foster Care Coordinator, Mrs. Selena Simons at 294-5871 or email

“To our Foster children, always know that you are not alone and you are important no matter the circumstance.
For some of you, it may be extremely challenging, you may feel displaced, alone, unwanted, disconnected, unloved, and confused.

“These feelings are valid, however identify who your support systems are and know they are there for you!
We see you, we care about you, and we will continue to strive to provide a solid foundation for you.
Keep your heads up, stand tall, and look towards your future.”

Tinee Furbert & Selena Simons Foster Care Month May 2023

Foster Care Coordinator Selena Simons said, “The Department of Child & Family Services has been observing Foster Care Month for over 20 years.

“This year, we wanted to do something different with our recruitment drive, so we created ‘Foster Bermuda’s Future’ to spread awareness.

“As you can see, one of the first initiatives of our campaign is vibrant Bus Banners on Bermuda’s Public Transportation. This would not be possible without the excellent work done by Total Marketing & Communications who outfitted the buses with the banners.

“Our banners will be showcased through the month of May, and they encourage you to ‘Be a Foster Parent and Foster Bermuda’s Future.’

“We are extremely thankful for our partnership with the Department of Communications for their continued support to advance our initiatives.

“It is our hope that the word is spread within the community and interested persons are encouraged to make contact with me to learn more about the foster care programme.

“I can be reached out 294-5871 or by email

“To our Foster Families and Foster Children, both present and past, it is an honor to serve you, and although the journey will not always be easy, Bermuda is here to support you.”

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