ABIR Welcomes Sakile Zuill And Cree Dunn

June 25, 2023

The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers [ABIR] has welcomed Sakile Zuill and Cree Dunn as summer interns.

A spokesperson said, “The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers [ABIR] has doubled up its summer internship program, welcoming two interns for the first time, with Sakile Zuill and Cree Dunn assisting ABIR’s Policy and Regulatory Affairs team.

“Zuill, 22, is studying for her bachelor’s degree in International Business Management at the University of Salford in Manchester, England.

“Dunn, 20, is pursuing a joint-honors bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Media, Communications and Economics at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.

“The two Bermudian students will gain insight into Bermuda’s regulatory framework and public policy as it relates to the re/insurance industry. Their responsibilities include conducting policy and legal research and organizing events, as well as assisting with ABIR’s internal communications and social media outreach.”

Sakile Zuill and Cree Dunn ABIR Summer Interns June 2023

Suzanne Williams-Charles, ABIR’s Director of Policy and Regulations, said: “We are excited to have Sakile and Cree join our office this summer. Both were strong candidates and they impressed us with both their technical skills and enthusiasm for gaining industry experience. In the early weeks of their internship, they have hit the ground running.”

The spokesperson said, “Zuill and Dunn are part of the 2023 ABIR Intern Working Group [IWG], which includes all the paid interns working for Bermuda’s leading international insurers and reinsurers over the summer. ABIR will stage a series of professional development events for the IWG during July and August to add value and networking opportunities to the group’s experiences.

“ABIR has scheduled a climate roundtable, bringing together industry professionals with interns to discuss catastrophe reinsurance in Bermuda, a 90-minute skills workshop on the making of a polished professional in today’s working world, a workshop on interviewing and networking skills, and a Bermuda Insurance Market lunch-and-learn. Zuill and Dunn will assist with organizing the events.”

Ms Zuill said: “I’m excited to intern at ABIR. I look forward to learning more about the re/insurance industry in Bermuda and exploring my interest in compliance and regulation. I plan to return to the island next year upon completing my studies, so this internship is a great opportunity for me to establish relationships with professionals in the industry.”

Ms Dunn said: “I first learned about ABIR last summer interning with PartnerRe, when I was part of the 2022 ABIR Intern Working Group. As I learned more about ABIR’s role within the industry, I decided to apply for their summer internship. I’m grateful for this opportunity and look forward to gaining a deeper insight into the policy and regulations surrounding the industry.”

The spokesperson said, “This year marks the 30th anniversary of ABIR. Zuill and Dunn will help with the planning of events to commemorate the milestone later this year.”

John Huff, President and Chief Executive Officer of ABIR, said: “ABIR is pleased to be able to provide a second summer internship this year and offer Sakile and Cree, two impressive young students, a taste of the industry. We and our member companies recognize that internships play an important role in building relationships with Bermuda’s future leaders.”

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