Archery Tournament In Aid Of Cancer Awareness

June 1, 2023

[Written by Stephen Wright]

An archery tournament will take place at St Paul’s Church in Paget as part of a fundraiser for prostate cancer awareness.

David Semos, an archery instructor/coach and prostate cancer survivor, has organised the competition, which will run from 9.30 am to 11.30 am on June 24.

All proceeds raised will go towards the free medical clinic of Dr Jonathan Makanjuola, a consultant urologist at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

Mr Semos, well known in the archery community, expects the tournament to attract around 20 archers and raise at least $500.

“I don’t hesitate to talk to any young or old man about the importance of getting a PSA test [a blood test to screen for prostate cancer],” Semos, 73, told Bernews.

“I like to do things that are helpful and meaningful for people. Hopefully, this tournament can raise money for a good cause.”

Entry for the competition is $25, while non-competitive archers can practise at a separate archery range for $15.

Archery sessions are held at St Paul’s Church on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings.

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David Remos Archery Fundraiser On June 24 2023

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