$16.40 Minimum Wage In Effect As Of Today

June 1, 2023

The $16.40 minimum wage is now in effect, marking the first time Bermuda has had a minimum wage. The commencement notice states that “the Employment [Minimum Hourly Wage Entitlement] Act 2022 shall come into operation on 1 June 2023.”

Speaking in the House of Assembly back in March, Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward said, “The Employment [Minimum Hourly Wage] Order 2023 which was tabled today in this Honourable House, sets the minimum hourly wage rate for Bermuda at $16.40. The Order is due to take effect on 1 June 2023 and employers of low-wage earners will be required to amend their contracts and/or statements of employment to ensure that they are compliant with the Order by 1 June 2023.

“The Order provides for a hybrid payment structure for employees who receive commission, gratuities and service charges. These employees will receive a basic wage, set by their employer, to which service charges, gratuities and/or commissions will be added, to guarantee a minimum hourly wage rate of $16.40.

“Where an employee’s basic wage plus service charges, gratuities and/or commission does not equal the minimum hourly wage rate of $16.40, their employer will be liable to provide the difference. This guarantees that an employee will receive the minimum hourly wage rate for every hour worked.

“The Employment [Minimum Wage Entitlement] Act 2022 sets out the guidelines for who is entitled to receive a minimum hourly wage and the enforcement provisions regarding adherence to the payment of a minimum hourly wage rate, among other things.

“Additionally, it gives Labour Inspectors the authority to investigate an employee’s complaint against his employer and issue enforcement notices to employers who have failed to correctly remunerate their employee pursuant to this Order.”

The Employment [Minimum Hourly Wage Entitlement] Act 2022 Commencement Day Notice 2023 follows below [PDF here]:

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    Yet the Minister has no idea how many employers or employees will be affected. Amazing talent in creating an employment law based on no knowledge or data.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Or understanding of economic theory. Don’t forget that!

      • Ringmaster says:

        Worse, they don’t understand theory and certainly have no idea about realty.