Luncheon For Former Cup Match Players

June 27, 2023

The Former Cup Match Players and Officials Association intend to host their annual Former Cup Match Players Luncheon prior to Cup Match at Divot’s Restaurant.

A spokesperson said, “The event is fully sponsored by Harbourside Holdings and Barry DeCouto and we remain grateful to them for helping to ensure this event can be hosted for those that did so much for the game, the heritage and the people of Bermuda.

“The inaugural luncheon was held in 2021 recognizing those most senior players aged 80+ and in 2022, recognizing those aged 70+. This year’s luncheon will recognize all those former players and officials over the age of 60. Going forward, every former player and official in their 60th year and above will be invited.

“We are working to get invitations out to all former players and officials that fall within this age bracket but also ask that anyone seeing this publication get in touch with the organization via email to obtain more information and register their interest.”


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  1. Barry DeCouto says:

    This is Barry DeCouto and the luncheon is sponsored by me personally and not in conjunction with HARBOURSIDE HOLDINGS. I recognized that the clubs do nothing for the former players ( which I am one ) and volunteered to provide this luncheon to honour these great players who sacrificed sooo much to play this lovely game of cup match with very few accolades..