Govt Issue Advisory On Portuguese Man Of War

June 26, 2023

The Government has issued an advisory urging people to “exercise caution in or near the ocean” due to a number of Portuguese Man of War seen along South Shore Park beaches in recent days.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Department of Parks’ Lifeguard Service continues to observe Portuguese Man of War along South Shore Park beaches in recent days.

“The Department of Parks wishes to advise beachgoers and the swimming public to exercise caution in or near the ocean. Portuguese Man of War can be identified with their bluish/purplish gas-filled float on top of the water.

“Their in-water tentacles are often not seen, making them a deadly predator for small fish and extremely painful upon human contact. People should keep their distance and avoid touching them even if they are on land/beach, as the tentacles can still be very venomous.“

Video from last year showing dozens of them on one beach

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    Why is there no Portuguese Woman of War?