Richardson On Immigration Digitisation Project

June 9, 2023

“We’ve now spent $356,880 to computerize a process which should have been reformed years ago,” OBA MP Jarion Richardson said, adding that “as it stands, we don’t have a new timeline or cost for the completion of this crucial project.”

Mr Richardson — the Shadow Minister of Economy and Labour — said, “It’s no secret that international business is the last leg on which our economy stands.

“We must acquire and maintain the skills that enable this pillar to flourish and prevent an economic catastrophe. The immigration digitisation project is one of the few practical Government projects to make Bermuda work smarter.

“We’ve now spent $356,880 to computerize a process which should have been reformed years ago. We’re digitizing a process which in any other peer jurisdiction hasn’t been on paper in twenty years.

“Further, we advertise ourselves as a modern, FinTech-interested country. But if you want to hire a guest worker for your FinTech firm in Bermuda, you’d better have enough pens and paper. The mixed messages are staggering.

“In a December 2021 Ministerial Statement, Minister Jason Hayward said, ‘This work originally commenced in November 2020.’

“In response to Opposition questions in the House of Assembly, the Minister said, “The automation of the majority of our application forms is slated for early January 2022. In terms of the end-to-end processing, that is going to take a little bit more time. We are aiming for the next fiscal year for our end-to-end processing of the majority of application types.”

“This means that the project, which started 31 months ago, should have been completed two months ago. Instead, we learn that the key solution forming the basis of the project, “does not fully satisfy the expectation for full automation of all applications processed by the Department of Immigration.”

“So instead of completion, we learn that we’re back to square one. Or not? We don’t know because unless Senator Robin Tucker pressed, we still wouldn’t know even this much .

“What we do know is that a business analyst is reviewing the project to recommend a way forward and only once the work has been completed the Government will know a way forward. Given the 31-months of work already undertaken, one hopes this process will be quick.

“As it stands, we don’t have a new timeline or cost for the completion of this crucial project. This project was first budgeted $80,000 and has since ballooned to $356,880, and is counting.”

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  1. Streamlined says:

    All good points, we need answers and a course correction as soon as possible and cannot afford any more errors. Could the business analyst kindly look into making the in-person visits to Immigration more efficient while they are at it? It used to be picking up a work permit or a passport that was ready was handled instantly by a staff member bringing it to the front, now you have to take a number and wait for the only (one) cashier to assist. A more streamlined in-person service would also make things more efficient for business purposes.

  2. Gerry says:

    Our immigration processing is a key reason why International Business chooses to go elsewhere, it is an utter embarrassment. Regulation approvals take months, PRCs take years, and yet our competitors get it done in days.

    So why is that? Is it resources, or an adequate system?

    Neither. Its a PLP Government that pays lip service to population growth, and pretends to have an interest in prosperity, when what it really wants is to cling onto power, and to keep Europeans, Americans, Fillipinos etc away. That is the only explanation.

    • saud says:

      No, Bermudians love the USA. Its the British and Canadians they hate.

  3. Ringmaster says:

    On a slightly related topic, when are the SP renovations starting, the ones that are so important to Bermuda’s tourism? Maybe there are delays in the work permits, because there are not enough qualified Bermudians available. Burt said everything was in place and signed last September, just before the leadership vote. Surely he wasn’t lying?

  4. Mumbojumbo says:

    Some of the people some of the time….instead of all of the people all of the time….got it. Seems that way some times …not just once…but a few times ….I’ll give the benefit of doubt…and it keeps happening…do not ask unless you have a few hours to listen…and retinal retention for future references.