330 Traffic Tickets Issued In June 2023

July 5, 2023

“During the month of June 2023, 330 traffic tickets were issued by the BPS, up from 284 issued during May 2023,” the police said, adding that “since the start of Operation Vega [6th July 2021], a total of 10,153 traffic tickets have been issued.”

Chief Inspector Robert Cardwell, Tactical Operations Division said, “Bermuda Police Service [BPS] statistics show reported collisions in 3 of the 4 recorded categories for the 2nd quarter of 2023 [damage, slight injury and serious injury] are down, compared to the 1st quarter of 2023. However, fatal collisions recorded in the 2nd quarter increased by 2, compared to the 1st quarter.”

Additional Statistics

A police spokesperson said, “From 1st January until 30th June 2023, 140 motorists were arrested for impaired driving – 14 in January, 27 in February, 25 in March, 21 in April, 30 in May and 23 in June. In comparison, for the same six month period in 2022, a total of 95 motorists were arrested for impaired driving.

“During the month of June 2023, 330 traffic tickets were issued by the BPS, up from 284 issued during May 2023. In addition, 48 motorist advice notices [official written warnings] were issued in June, down from 50 in the previous month.

“June also saw 275 parking tickets issued, up from 175 parking tickets issued the month before.

BPS Road Traffic Collision Statistics 2019 - 30th June 2023

“Since the start of Operation Vega [6th July 2021], a total of 10,153 traffic tickets have been issued. The breakdown of ticketed traffic offences for June 2023 is below. The change compared to May 2023 is provided in brackets.

  • Speeding 188 [+110] Speeds ranged from 58 kph to 90 kph.
  • Traffic sign 32 [-2]
  • Unlicensed vehicle 33 [-12]
  • No third party insurance 27 [-13]
  • No driver’s licence 22 [-10]
  • Manner of driving 2 [-7]
  • Disqualified driver 7 [+6]
  • Seatbelt 6 [-17]
  • Helmet 3 [+1]
  • Handheld device 4 [-1]
  • Defective vehicle 3 [+2]
  • Fail to give name/address 0 [0]
  • Fail to stop 1 [-2]
  • Fraudulent documents 1 [-2]
  • Making false statement 0 [0]
  • License plate offence 1 [-7]
  • Tint offence 0 [0]
  • Youth license offence 0 [0]“

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