ICO Decision On PATI Request To Police

July 6, 2023

Information Commissioner Gitanjali Gutierrez issued Decision 14/2023 in regards to the Bermuda Police Service [BPS].

A spokesperson said, “The Applicant had submitted a Public Access to Information [PATI] request to the BPS for copies of emails related to their probation.

ICO Decision 14 2023 Bermuda Police Service Summary

“The BPS initially denied the PATI request stating that no records existed. It also claimed that the PATI request was vexatious. However, during the Information Commissioner’s independent review, the BPS identified responsive records, abandoned reliance on both denial grounds and issued an initial decision to the Applicant. As a result, the Information Commissioner did not require the BPS to take any further action with respect to Decision 14/2023.

“This Decision did not address whether or not the BPS has properly denied access to the requested records. Rather, it addressed the basic obligation upon the BPS to respond to an internal review request within the statutory timeframe.”

The full version of Decision 14/2023 follows below [PDF here]:

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