Information Commissioner Issues Four Decisions

July 5, 2023

Information Commissioner Gitanjali Gutierrez issued Decisions 10/2023, 11/2023 and 12/2023 in regards to the Department of Corrections, and Decision 13/2023 in regards to the Economic Development Department.

  • Decision 10/2023, Department of Corrections [PDF]
  • Decision 11/2023, Department of Corrections [PDF]
  • Decision 12/2023, Department of Corrections [PDF]
  • Decision 13/2023, Economic Development Department [PDF]

A spokesperson said, “On 28 June 2023, Information Commissioner Gitanjali Gutierrez [the Commissioner] issued Decisions 10/2023, 11/2023 and 12/2023, Department of Corrections [the Department]. The Applicant had submitted Public Access to Information [PATI] requests to the Department for correspondence records related to

  • Health, privileges and management of inmates in Bermuda’s correctional facilities
  • Covid-19 cases at the Westgate Correctional Facility and the Department’s meetings with the Minister of National Security
  • Overtime approvals and payments made by the Department over a 5-year period

“On this same date, the Commissioner also issued Decision 13/2023, Economic Development Department [the EDD]. In this Decision the Commissioner considered an Applicant’s PATI request that was originally submitted to the Cabinet Office but was transferred to the EDD seeking various records about fintech.

“In each of these Decisions, the Commissioner finds that each Department did not issue internal review decisions to the Applicant within the 6-week timeline set out in the PATI Act. As a result, the Commissioner orders that the Departments issue internal reviews decisions and provide to the Applicants on or before Wednesday, 26 July 2023.

“Decisions 10/2023, 11/2023, 12/2023, 13/2023 and the accompanying Orders have been filed with the Supreme Court and are legally binding. All decisions issued by the Information Commissioner under section 47[6] of the PATI Act are available at”

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