KBB & ECCA Launch Waste Management Plan

July 21, 2023

Keep Bermuda Beautiful [KBB] is partnering with the Eastern County Cricket Association [ECCA] to deliver a green events waste management plan for this year’s eastern county games to be held at Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club [BBCC] on July 22, August 19 and September 2.

A spokesperson said, “The plan includes a focus on reducing waste, preventing litter and promoting recycling, with a special focus on minimising single-use plastics and encouraging all to recycle foil wrap, drink cans and glass bottles. Coordination of the event plan has included input from the Department of Waste Management and Recycle Bermuda, both of whom are working closely with KBB, ECCA and BBCC to organize the waste management details for all three games.”

KBB & EXXA Launch Waste Management Plan July 2023

Over 130 camp sites are registered for the first game tomorrow which is expected to be attended by more than 1,500 fans and spectators. Steven Douglas, President of the ECCA said “We are happy to partner with KBB and have the ECCA play our part in bringing awareness to the importance of sustainability. We believe in educating the community on the benefits of caring for the environment in an effort to keep our island home clean, put a stop to littering and preserve Bermuda’s natural beauty. The steps that ECCA and BBCC are taking to reduce waste, provide county game guests with easy access to trash and recycling bins, and promote the green events waste management plan really boils down to education and prevention.”

KBB’s Executive Director, Traci Burgess added “The entire ECCA Board and BBBC Executive have been an absolute pleasure to work with in developing this plan. Everyone who is involved has been engaged and fully committed from the start of our talks and we appreciate the level of enthusiasm to reduce waste, eliminate litter and keep the grounds clean throughout the eastern county games. KBB would also like to thank our colleagues at the Department of Waste Management and Recycle Bermuda who are an integral part of the plan’s success.”

She continued “In addition to providing bins and ensuring proper disposal of the trash and recyclables, KBB is also partnered with Wilmot’s Trucking and Recycle Bermuda for a public awareness campaign that will run throughout the summer cricket season. The campaign encourages the public to focus on the 5Rs: RETHINK your personal habits; REFUSE single-use plastics; REDUCE the amount of waste you generate; REUSE eco-friendly and reusable products as often as possible; and RECYCLE tin, aluminium and glass.”

Paul Wilmot of Wilmot’s Trucking said “We can all reduce, reuse and recycle in today to help save the future.”

The spokesperson said, “Stay tuned to KBB’s social media platforms over the coming weeks for helpful tips and visit www.KBB.bm for more information.”

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