‘Cup Match: Legacy Of Honour’ Film Screening

July 3, 2023

In recognition of Emancipation, the Department of Culture will present the documentary film screening of ‘Cup Match: Legacy of Honour’ on Wednesday [July 5], at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI].

A Government spokesperson said, “Following the film, there will be a special panel discussion featuring Neil Paynter, President of the St. George’s Cricket Club; Reginald Pearman, Former President of the Somerset Cricket Club; and Cleveland Foggo, Former President of the St. George’s Cricket Club.”

“For over a century, Cup Match has been cherished by Bermudians as more than just a cricket game. It symbolizes the pursuit of excellence, inspires younger generations, and showcases the determination of a community to celebrate its culture,” said the Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Sen. Owen Darrell. “Through a range of Bermudian voices, this documentary explores the uniquely Bermudian touchstone that connects its people, culture, and legacy of honour.”

The spokesperson said, “This event is free to the public and seating can be reserved at Cup Match Legacy of Honour. For more information email, kdrobinson@gov.bm or call 292-1681. See the attached e-flyer for more information.”

Emancipation Commemorative Event July 5 2023

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