Minister Furbert Thanks Transportation Sector

July 23, 2023

“On Saturday, July 15th, we experienced an influx of almost 10,000 cruise passengers,” Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert said, adding that he wants to ”acknowledge the commendable efforts and collaboration of all stakeholders who contributed to the seamless transportation experience for these visitors.”

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Friday [July 21] the Minister said, “I rise today to address the significant milestone achieved in our transportation services for Bermuda’s cruise passengers. On Saturday, July 15th, we experienced an influx of almost 10,000 cruise passengers, making it one of the highest anticipated passenger days this season. I am proud to acknowledge the commendable efforts and collaboration of all stakeholders who contributed to the seamless transportation experience for these visitors.

“I extend my gratitude to the dedicated individuals in the transportation sector, including minibus, taxi, ferry, and public bus operators and teams, who worked together harmoniously to ensure the smooth movement of our guests. Their professionalism and commitment to customer service played a pivotal role in creating a positive impression of Bermuda from the moment our visitors arrived.

A quick view of cruise ships in Bermuda on July 15th:

“The success of this day serves as a prime example of what can be achieved when stakeholders work together toward a common goal. The collaboration between the various transportation entities showcased a coordinated and effective system, ensuring that our visitors received the best possible experience during their time in Bermuda.”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to address the significant milestone achieved in our transportation services for Bermuda’s cruise passengers. On Saturday, July 15th, we experienced an influx of almost 10,000 cruise passengers, making it one of the highest anticipated passenger days this season. I am proud to acknowledge the commendable efforts and collaboration of all stakeholders who contributed to the seamless transportation experience for these visitors.

Mr. Speaker, first and foremost, I extend my gratitude to the dedicated individuals in the transportation sector, including minibus, taxi, ferry, and public bus operators and teams, who worked together harmoniously to ensure the smooth movement of our guests. Their professionalism and commitment to customer service played a pivotal role in creating a positive impression of Bermuda from the moment our visitors arrived.

Additionally, I would like to recognize the invaluable efforts of our traffic officers stationed at the Transport Control Department [TCD] and the West End Development Corporation [Wedco]. These officers exhibited exceptional traffic coordination skills, especially in high-traffic areas such as Dockyard and Horseshoe Bay. Their dedication and expertise helped maintain order and efficiency, further enhancing the overall transportation experience for our guests.

Mr. Speaker, the success of this day serves as a prime example of what can be achieved when stakeholders work together toward a common goal. The collaboration between the various transportation entities showcased a coordinated and effective system, ensuring that our visitors received the best possible experience during their time in Bermuda.

Mr. Speaker, I had the great privilege of personally witnessing the General Transportation Areas [GTAs] at both Horseshoe Bay and Dockyard, where I had the opportunity to observe all the stakeholders in action. The coordinated efforts of these various entities in managing the transportation system were truly inspiring and left a lasting impression on me.

As I arrived at the bustling transportation hubs, I was immediately struck by the remarkable efficiency with which everyone worked together to cater to the needs of the numerous cruise passengers. The level of organization and collaboration among these stakeholders was nothing short of exceptional.

Throughout the day, I had the chance to interact with several drivers and transportation staff who demonstrated an unwavering commitment to providing top-notch service to our visitors. Their professionalism and dedication to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for every passenger were evident in their actions and demeanor.

Mr. Speaker, I was also fortunate to have the opportunity to personally engage with several cruise passengers, and their overwhelmingly positive feedback about Bermuda was truly heartwarming. It was evident that they were thoroughly pleased with their experience on the island.

As I conversed with the visitors, they expressed their admiration for Bermuda’s natural beauty, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. Many remarked on the pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and breathtaking landscapes that left them in awe. Mr. Speaker, and of course they conveyed their pleasure with the smooth transportation system.

Mr. Speaker, while we celebrate this achievement, it is essential to recognize that we have more high passenger days ahead this season. We are still on our journey to reach the pre-2018 high-end passenger days, and we acknowledge that there is work to be done. The Ministry remains firmly committed to the ongoing improvement of our transportation system to meet the demands of our passengers and residents.

As we move forward, we must not rest on our laurels. Rather, let this accomplishment inspire us to continue striving for excellence in our transportation services. One of our high priority goals is to provide an exceptional transportation experience for our visitors to Bermuda, ensuring they leave with fond memories and a desire to return.

Mr. Speaker, before I end my statement, it is the utmost critical to acknowledge the dedicated team at the Ministry headquarters, particularly the transportation team, whose hard work and strategic planning have been instrumental in achieving this success. The tireless efforts have contributed significantly to the effective coordination of transportation services for our cruise passengers.

In conclusion, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all individuals and organizations who played a part in making the high passenger day of July 15th a resounding success. Your commitment and dedication are invaluable, and I am confident that together, we will continue to elevate the standards of our transportation services.

Mr Speaker, Thank you.

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  1. comfortably numb says:

    Next Flip Flop will thank the bus operators for not having a union meeting in the middle of the day stranding our visitors all over the island. How many bus cancellations today, Flip Flop?