Official Govt & Legal Notices For August 31 2023

August 31, 2023 | 0 Comments

The official Government and Legal notices for today [Aug 31] include trademark applications, acting appointments and notice of intended marriage.


Trademark Applications Advertised Before Registration No. 60

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Trademark Applications
  • Notice ID: GN0738/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

Document Upload: [16] 31-Aug-23 [PDF]


Permanent Secretary

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0737/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

Government Notice Number: ___________

Acting Appointment – Permanent Secretary

Mrs. Tarita Cartwright, Comptroller – Ministry of National Security, has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary – Ministry of National Security during the period Sunday 10th September to Sunday 17th September 2023 inclusive.

Valerie Robinson-James

Acting Head of the Public Service


Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Economy And Labour

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0736/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

Acting Appointment

Permanent Secretary

Ministry Of Economy And Labour

Mr. Raymond Jones, Director of the Economic Development Department,

has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary

for the Ministry of Economy and Labour

for the period 13th September, 2023 to 28th September, 2023.


Marriage Notice: Jane Ellison & Paul Hudd

  • Notice Type: Legal Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intended Marriage
  • Notice ID: LN0510/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

The Marriage Act, 1944

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Jane May Ellison of
Orkney, Scotland
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Paul Harry Hudd of
Orkney, Scotland
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 29th day of August 2023.

James Welch
Acting Registrar General


Marriage Notice: Nicholas Smith & Georgé Wilson

  • Notice Type: Legal Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intended Marriage
  • Notice ID: LN0509/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

The Marriage Act, 1944

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Nicholas Peter Smith of
Warwick Parish [Single]
Georgé Kibibi Safiya Wilson of
Warwick Parish [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 28th day of August 2023.

James Welch
Acting Registrar General


Marriage Notice: Tori Bates & Micah Meens

  • Notice Type: Legal Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intended Marriage
  • Notice ID: LN0508/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

The Marriage Act, 1944

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Tori Renee Bates of
Millersburg, Pennsylvania
U.S.A. [Single]
Micah Jorreece Joshua Meens of
Pembroke Parish [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 28th day of August 2023.

James Welch
Acting Registrar General


Marriage Notice: Anastasiia Elifankina & Mark Williams

  • Notice Type: Legal Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intended Marriage
  • Notice ID: LN0507/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

The Marriage Act, 1944

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Anastasiia Elifankina of
Pembroke Parish [Single]
Mark David Richard Mckee Warlo Williams of
Pembroke Parish [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 25th day of August 2023.

James Welch
Acting Registrar General


Marriage Notice: Joanne Spagnuolo & Scott Ferguson

  • Notice Type: Legal Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intended Marriage
  • Notice ID: LN0506/2023
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 31 August 2023

The Marriage Act, 1944

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Joanne Marie Spagnuolo of
Natick, Massachusetts
U.S.A. [Divorced]
Scott Charles Ferguson of
Natick, Massachusetts
U.S.A. [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 25th day of August 2023.

James Welch
Acting Registrar General


The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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