Govt To Issue RFP For 13 New Electric Vehicles

September 14, 2023

“The Government of Bermuda recognises the urgent need to adapt and lead by example in the transition to cleaner and greener transportation solutions,” said Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Minister’s remark comes as the Ministry of Public Works is soon to issue a Request for Proposals [RFP] on Friday, 15 September 2023, to purchase thirteen brand new fully electric vehicles.

“It was announced in the Budget Debate in February that the Government would transition to purchasing electric vehicles.

“The time is right to make these purchases, given that ageing vehicles, including the ministerial fleet in the Government, have now exceeded their useful life and have depreciated beyond the point of beneficial reinvestment.

“The age of the fleet is between 11 and 23 years old and, therefore, routinely out-of-service for repairs.”

Minister Burch added: “Our decision to purchase these electric vehicles is a significant step towards achieving a more sustainable future for our island.

“We are determined to demonstrate that responsible and eco-friendly transportation is not only possible but also economically advantageous.

“We recognise that it’s our responsibility to lead by example, especially when it comes to environmental sustainability. By gradually transitioning our fleet to electric vehicles, we reduce our carbon footprint and promote the adoption of electric vehicles across the Island.”

The spokesperson said, “Repairs of traditional vehicles are becoming ever more costly as sourcing brand new or second-hand parts is difficult for vehicles over ten years of age.

“On average, it costs the Ministry thousands of dollars to maintain the current fleet of aging vehicles.

“Other examples of this transition are the purchasing of electric busses by the Ministry of Transport and the newest additions to the Government fleet, the fully electric Kia Souls.

“It is anticipated that these new purchases will save the Government approximately $55,000 per vehicle over its lifetime in maintenance and fuel costs, giving a total savings of $715,000 for the thirteen cars.

“Additionally, there would be a potential reduction in Carbon Emissions of 58%, or four tons of CO2 avoided annually for all vehicles.

“Minister Burch noted the Ministry of Public Works will be issuing more RFPs for the procurement of electric vehicles through a phased approach.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “We recognise that it’s our responsibility to lead by example”

    Excellent. You can start by operating within budget, paying into the sinking fund and putting money aside for emergencies.

    • Hilarious! says:

      What a great standup comedy routine! Where is your show this weekend? Love to see it.

  2. What says:

    If leading by example. Drive your own car like those who are fortunate to have a car do, or ride your bike like those who don’t have cars have too.

    Clearly this is an RFP for perks. This has to stop NOW.

  3. Whya says:

    Per vehicle savings has clearly been calculated without including any cost for electricity, brakes, bodywork, battery replacement, servicing etc.

    Otherwise we would all buy one, as it pays for itself fully and give the buyer a profit given the price of a Kia Soul in Bermuda at $39,000 and $55,000 is saved ( as quoted in article)

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “On average, it costs the Ministry thousands of dollars to maintain the current fleet of aging vehicles.”

      That is pretty vague.

      And no mention of the fact that Belco burns heavy fuel to produce electricity to charge our electric vehicles.

      • Whya says:

        It’s the Arrogance of the Ministers of this current PLP government, they say things and hope that Bermudians are gullible enough to believe it.

    • Hilarious! says:

      By George you got it!
      Just like the cost of backup power for wind turbines and solar panels. That cost is NEVER factored in. No wind and BELCO generators kick in (an overhead cost to keep on standby). No sun and BELCO generators kick in. “Renewable” energy is so inefficient that it boggles the mind of any thinking person.

      Meanwhile, those offshore wind turbines will have a guaranteed income stream when not generating for whatever reason. Consumers pay an inflated price for electricity either directly or indirectly.

  4. Hilarious! says:

    EVs powered by government hot air. About time! Who needs those evil fossil fuels generating reliable electricity 24×7 when Bermuda has Government Hot Air (GHA) power!

    Say, I read that China is exporting tiny electric cars but there is an issue with fitting government employee egos into those cars. Perhaps an EV convertible is the answer. No doubt RMI can facilitate the deal.

  5. Hilarious! says:

    “It is anticipated that these new purchases will save the Government approximately $55,000 per vehicle over its lifetime in maintenance and fuel costs, giving a total savings of $715,000 for the thirteen cars.

    Question 1: Why does the government NEVER release vehicle records and costs? Is electricity free? Produce the cost spreadsheet.
    Question 2: Why does the government not know that EVs have far more quality problems than ICE vehicles? How long will an EV be down waiting for parts to be shipped in? WIll the government employee walk to and from work while the EV is in the shop?

    “Additionally, there would be a potential reduction in Carbon Emissions of 58%, or four tons of CO2 avoided annually for all vehicles.

    Question 3: Show your math because your claim is unsubstantiated. (as usual)
    Question 4: Why does the government support the use of thousands of underage black African children mining minerals that go into making EV batteries?
    Question 5: Why does the government support the enormous environmental damage done by the mining of minerals to manufacture EV batteries?
    Question 6: Why has the government not provided the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service with the proper equipment required to put out EV battery fires? An electric car fire takes 3-4 times as much water to extinguish and the runoff is environmentally hazardous. Now increase that amount of water by at least 10x for an EV bus battery fire.
    Question 7: When will Bermuda’s roads be upgraded to handle the extra weight of EVs?
    Question 8: What about the extra dangerous particulate matter released from the special tires used by EVs?
    Question 9: Will government employees pay to upgrade elevated garages to handle the extra weight of an EV?
    … and the list could go on.

    See where this is going… There are many costs and problems with using EVs that the government never discusses. FACT: Not one government official can even define “climate change.”