Six Videos: School Carol-Off At Airport Day #2

December 13, 2023

The musical merriment of the ‘Great Christmas Carol-Off’ at the airport continues today [Dec 13] — with hundreds of students taking part as schools compete for over $8,000 in prizes to support their music programs — and you can tune in and watch live below.

The event started on Monday, and you can view videos of Monday’s performances here, and the festive performances aren’t just for applause; there are over $8,000 in prizes up for grabs to support the music programs, with the winning school to receive $5,000, the second-place winners will receive $2,500, while the People’s Choice Award winner, chosen by the public via Skyport’s Instagram, will be awarded $1,200.

In an effort to streamline today’s coverage we have added all the videos in advance, and they will ‘go live’ throughout the day, and you can also see the live videos on Bernews Facebook and Twitter/X accounts. As it is an event with hundreds of students involved, the schedule may not run to the very exact minute, so please take the schedule below as a general guideline.

Carol off Dec 13 2023 schedule

Somersfield Steel Pan Orchestra

Whitney Institute Vocal Ensemble

Warwick Academy Primary Choir

Warwick Academy Secondary Choir

Francis Patton Choir

Guest performers ‘Personal Statement’

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