‘Santa Paws’ And ‘Fizz & Flowers’ Events

December 13, 2023

The Bermuda SPCA is encouraging people to attend the “Santa Paws” event on December 16th and the Fizz & Flowers event on Thursday, January 11th,

A spokesperson said, “Please support our animals, who have been very good girls and boys this year! Here are some ways you can make a difference today.

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“”Here Comes Santa Paws” – Brew Bermuda is hosting their annual “Santa Paws” event on Saturday, December 16th from 10:00-11:30AM, and we’d love for you to join us and have your pet take a picture with Santa! All proceeds for taking your picture with Santa go towards the care and support of our animals. Bring a suggested $5.00 donation for us along with a Brew proof of purchase and take a photo with your pet, Santa Paws, and his helper. Please bring your own photo-taking device. Aren’t able to make it out that day? Please consider donating online: https://spca.bm/donate/

“Fizz & Flowers Thursday, January 11, 2024 – A Great Christmas gift idea!! Come and join floral designer, Helen Sawden, for a fun evening of “fizz and flowers”! Helen will guide you through making a bright and cheerful winter display whilst you get to sip on a specially selected fizz kindly provided by our friends at The Tasting Room, Bermuda’s latest wine lounge and retail store. Tickets* are $150 and include all floral supplies plus a glass or two of specially selected fizz. Email info@spca.bm for the registration details.

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“Make a Donation or give a gift of membership– instead of buying gifts this year why not make a donation or give a gift of membership and or ask for a donation to be made in your name to support and provide a safe-haven for animals in need and the Bermuda SPCA. https://spca.bm/donate/

“SPCA Animal Wish List – All of our shelter animals have been very good this year and have mailed their letter to Santa! Vouchers / credits are preferred as they help with the everyday items required for the animals in the Shelter:

  • Noahs Ark
  • Boats n Barks
  • Vet credit vouchers: Endsmeet / Ettrick / Cedar Tree / BVS
  • BGA
  • Bermuda Waterworks
  • Bermuda Gas
  • Market Place
  • Lindos
  • Masters Ltd
  • Gorham’s

“Bermuda, please remember do not give pets as Christmas presents. A pet is for life, not just for a few days around and after Christmas. The SPCA Shelter office will be closed from Saturday, December 23, 2023, and reopen on Wednesday, December 27, 2023. Any critical animal emergencies and injuries call the Shelter 236-7333 and then press 1.”

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