SUV Driver Arrested After Police Pursuit

December 1, 2023

A driver was arrested after “after leading police officers on a pursuit” which saw “police vehicles following the SUV driver through parts of Devonshire, Pembroke and the City of Hamilton.”

A police spokesperson said, “A SUV driver was arrested for disqualified driving, issued with relevant traffic tickets and has a Magistrates’ Court appearance scheduled in the near future, after leading police officers on a pursuit Wednesday morning [29th November 2023].

“Minutes before 9am Wednesday, the driver of a silver Honda CR-V turned from Crow Lane on to Lane Hill, Pembroke in contravention of the posted traffic sign.

“At the time, Bermuda Police Service [BPS] officers were conducting a traffic initiative along Lane Hill.

“When signalled to stop by a BPS officer, the SUV driver, understood to be a 39-year-old Devonshire man, slowed down but then accelerated away.

“A pursuit ensued, with police vehicles following the SUV driver through parts of Devonshire, Pembroke and the City of Hamilton. The man eventually stopped in a driveway off Serpentine Road, Pembroke, where he was arrested without further incident.

“The individual involved has since been released on police bail.

“A video currently circulating on social media shows some of Wednesday morning’s pursuit.

“The vehicle involved was impounded and later released to the registered owner.”

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  1. puzzled says:

    Where is the video and why not state a four wheeled vehicle.
    Come on.
    Big nooze.