Twins Born In Ambulance In St David’s

January 12, 2024

twins jan 2024[Written by Stephen Wright]

A mother has given birth to twins in an ambulance in St David’s while on the way to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital on Wednesday [January 10].

Tracell Anderson and her partner were on their way to hospital in the ambulance after the mother-to-be began experiencing contractions at their home in the East End.

However, her little bundles of joy were not prepared to wait for the journey, with girl Kenyah born at 5.07 pm and her younger brother, Kyah, born seven minutes later.

Medical crew Curtis Place and Dwayne Minors delivered the twins, and the couple had high praise for the professionalism and assistance of the crew.

“Tracell was having contractions at home and told me she was ready to have the babies,” Grieg Evans told Bernews.

“Thankfully, I was on the way home, so we called the ambulance and were heading to the hospital when one of the medical crew said, ‘Stop, her water has broken.’

“We stopped at a stop sign, and I was like, ‘Are we going to do this at the bus stop?’ He said, ‘No, we will do it right here.’ I was like, ‘Are you serious?’

“By the time we stopped, one of the babies was out already. A few minutes later, the other one came out. I was shocked!”

Mr Evans, who works in landscaping and painting, said mother Tracell, and babies Kenyah – who weighed four pounds – and Kyah – who weighed five pounds – were doing well.

“It was perfect,” said Mr Evans. “Everything went so smoothly. I was like, ‘Let’s get these babies to the hospital.’

“I helped the little girl, and my partner helped the little boy while we drove to the hospital.

“Everybody is doing fine; both babies are eating, and hopefully, we can bring them home soon.”

Mr Evans said the couple intend to visit the stop sign in St David’s, every year to celebrate the twins’ birthdays.

“This is a day we’ll cherish,” he added. “It was a great experience; I loved it!”

You can watch a video report on the BBC Facebook page.

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