Bermuda Arts Centre To Host Plein Air Events

January 17, 2024

The Bermuda Arts Centre is hosting four plein air workshops at Dockyard, with the classes to be held outdoors.

A spokesperson said, “Especially with this weather, we find ourselves hunkered down and not wanting to do much of anything. The way to beat the winter blues is to gear up and keep going.

“The Bermuda Arts Centre at Dockyard has four plein air workshops to shake it off and shape you up. These classes are all held outside. Get out of the house, off the computer, and venture into the fresh air while learning something new.

“From sunsets to the dark of night and everything in between. These classes are designed to help you discover your technical issues, correct them and move forward in your artistic journey.

“Why are we so into plein air? Because it teaches you to paint from life. When you copy from a photograph, you don’t get a true sense [or feeling] of an object or scene because a photograph tends to bring everything into focus or distorts the image. Our objective is to show you the true magic of live painting. Trust us, if you take enough of our classes, you’ll start to see the world in a totally different way.

“January 26 – 5:30 – 7:00. Sunset State of Mind with Michele Smith. Learn to capture the glowing sunset light on our rocks and sand.

“February 5: 5:30 – 7:30 – ‘Nocturne’ with Eli Cedrone. Capturing the evening lights across Hamilton Harbour.

“February 10: 9:00am – 1:00pm – Shapes Shadows & Values with Christopher Marson. Learning how to make the best of your landscape painting.

“February 11: 9:00am – 1:00pm – Brush Water & Paper with Christopher Marson . A watercolour class that shows you how to make extraordinary watercolours that make a Wow of an impression.

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