Troy University & Bermuda College Agreement

February 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

Troy University said they “forged an agreement with Bermuda College that will provide a pathway for students from Bermuda to study in Troy in the University’s bachelor’s degree program in business administration.”

The university’s report said, “The agreement, which was signed on February 6 by Troy University Chancellor Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr. and Bermuda College Interim President Branwen Smith-King during a ceremony on the Bermuda College campus, is believed to be only the beginning of the partnership between the two institutions. Other potential areas of study include academic programs hospitality management, nursing, and criminal justice, among others.”

Dr. Hawkins said, “We are appreciative of this opportunity and see this as just the beginning of a great partnership between Bermuda, Bermuda College, United States Consul General’s Office, and Troy University.

“The goal of this partnership is to create opportunities for student access and success. We believe this agreement will pay dividends for Bermuda College and TROY as we seek prepare students for success in the global marketplace. We look forward to them studying with us in Troy and for a long and lasting partnership with Bermuda College.”

Chancellor Jack Hawkins, Jr. and Bermuda College Interim President Branwen Smith-King signed an articulation agreement on the Bermuda College Campus.

Troy University & Bermuda College February 2024

The university’s report said, “The agreement will enable Bermuda College students pursuing the associate of arts business administration program to seamlessly transfer two years of credit hours to complete a bachelor’s degree in business administration at TROY.

“U.S. Consul General Karen Grissette, who has prioritized creating new and affordable educational opportunities in the United States for Bermudians, welcomed the TROY delegation, including Dr. Hawkins, TROY First Lady Janice Hawkins, Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Administration Sohail Agboatwala and international recruiter Bailey Ann Corbin, to Bermuda and thanked both institutions for their partnership.

“Consul General Grissette hosted a reception on the evening of Feb. 6 at her residence, Cedarhurst, to celebrate the signing of the agreement. The reception was attended by leaders from Bermuda industry, hospitality, healthcare and government.”

Consul General Grissette said, “I am proud to celebrate this agreement between Troy University and the Bermuda College.

“This agreement is one more pathway for an exceptional and affordable higher education opportunity in Bermuda’s closest neighbor, the United States. Thank you, Chancellor Hawkins and Interim President Smith-King, for your valued partnership and commitment to expanding education opportunities for Bermuda’s youth.”

The university’s report said, “President Smith-King said the agreement with TROY helps to create clear pathways for Bermuda students to continue their education.”

President Smith-King said, “Bermuda College is absolutely delighted to formally acknowledge the academic partnership with Troy University.

“Students in the Business Administration Associate Degree program will benefit from this opportunity, another pathway to a well-recognized institution of higher learning. Once completing the associate degree at Bermuda College students can successfully and seamlessly transfer their credits to Troy University toward a bachelor’s degree in business and specialist business areas. With a number of Bermudians amongst its illustrious alumni, TROY will continue to provide an excellent education for future Bermudian students.”

The university’s report said, “Dr. Hawkins said students from Bermuda can take advantage of generous scholarships to help further their education at TROY.”

Dr. Hawkins said, “We have generous scholarship opportunities at TROY that can be of a tremendous benefit to students from Bermuda. Troy University is a place of value and values. We strive to offer quality academic opportunities at an affordable price, while also stressing what we believe to be important values in developing future leaders.”

The university’s report said, “In addition, Diallo Rabain, Minister of Education in Bermuda, awarded two $10,000 scholarships to two dual enrolled high school students who have been accepted to attend TROY in August 2024. Bermudian Sen. Joan Dillas-Wright also has pledged two additional $10,000 to support students who will study nursing at TROY.

“TROY’s connection to Bermuda began through its relationship with the Honorable Kim Swan, a TROY alumnus and member of the Bermudian Parliament. During his time at TROY, Swan was named Most Valuable Player of the University’s 1979 golf team that finished fourth in the NCAA Division II Golf National Championships. Swan graduated in 1980 and went on to a professional golf career on the PGA’s European Tour, becoming the first Bermudian to compete of the European Tour.

“That relationship led to TROY teaming up with the U.S. Department of State, EducationUSA and the U.S. Consulate General Hamilton to host a virtual information session for Bermudians in 2021 led by TROY’s International Admissions Office, which helped to set the stage for the agreement with Bermuda College.”

Dr. Hawkins said, “We are proud of our relationship with Kim Swan and the doors that have been opened through that relationship. He has been a tremendous ambassador for Troy University and his record of service is indicative of his dedication to and love for his country and its people.”

The university’s report said, “Swan has pledged to launch fundraising efforts to build on Sen. Dillas-Wright’s generosity in hopes of naming an annual scholarship in the senator’s honor.”

Mr. Swan said, “This fundraising initiative will allow the nursing scholarship to continue beyond this year and have the potential to grow. The first fundraiser will be a golf tournament to support the 2024 recipients and allow us the opportunity to plan beyond 2024.”

The university’s report said, “Swan expressed his gratitude to TROY, Bermuda College and the U.S. Consulate for launching the partnership.”

Mr. Swan said, “I would like to thank Troy University, Bermuda College and the U.S. Consulate for introducing a relationship between the globally respected Troy University and my beloved island home of Bermuda.

I reserve a special thank you for Senator Joan Dillas-Wright, whose passion as a nurse enables her to realize the opportunity this relationship between TROY and Bermuda College presents to further enhance this great partnership.”

The university’s report said, “The TROY delegation arrived in Bermuda on February 5 and were welcomed by Swan and treated to a welcome dinner hosted by Retired Justice Norma Wade Miller. Joining the delegation at the dinner were Minister of Education Diallo Rabain, President of the Senate Joan Dillas Wright and her husband and former Bermuda College Dean Roy Wright, the Consul Gen. Grissette and her husband Mr. Apostolos Fourlis, Smith-King, Mrs. Betty Mroz and Swan.

“During the evening, Dr. Hawkins presented Justice Miller with a replica of the sculpture of Rosa Parks on the seat of a Montgomery City Bus. The life-size version of the piece is found in the atrium of the Rosa Parks Museum, which is located on the University’s Montgomery Campus.”

The full article can be found on Troy University’s website here.

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