Bermuda Equal Justice Initiative Aims

May 14, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Bermuda Equal Justice Initiative said they are “dedicated to promoting equal justice, unity, and positive transformation in Bermudian society.

A spokesperson said, “Through advocacy, education, and community engagement, the initiative aims to address systemic inequalities and empower individuals to uphold the principles of fairness and justice.

“As a non-profit and non-government organization, the Bermuda Equal Justice Initiative is committed to freeing the innocent, preventing wrongful convictions, and assisting in reforming the justice system to ensure it is fair, compassionate, and equitable for all. The initiative is in the process of obtaining a local charity license to ensure that we are able to raise funds to support:

  1. Legal causes for those unable to afford it, and who cannot secure legal-aid funding from The Legal Aid Office.
  2. Mental health and counselling services.
  3. Rehabilitation and housing programs for those released from prison.

“The Bermuda Equal Justice Initiative is dedicated to fostering positive change within the legal system, particularly for individuals without the economic means to navigate the often arduous and complex legal process. We strive to protect and promote basic human rights for the most vulnerable in our community, working with marginalized populations affected by poverty and unfair treatment due to their socioeconomic backgrounds.

“Collaborating with local and overseas counsel, the Bermuda Equal Justice Initiative provides research and recommendations to local lawmakers to facilitate positive reform in the justice system. Over the next few years, we plan to publish data reports, draft policy guidelines, and create educational materials to ensure all individuals in our community fully understand their rights and have the necessary resources to navigate the justice system effectively.

“Recognizing poverty and lack of education as barriers to reducing Bermuda’s incarceration rates, we are committed to working with local stakeholders to lower incarceration rates and to ensure that those imprisoned receive necessary treatment and education whilst in prison and after their release.

“We recognize that systemic injustice appears in many forms, including by way of steep court fees and fines imposed on individuals who are unable to pay; we will work with local stakeholders and lawmakers to reform our legal system’s punitive approach to court debts, which further exacerbates poverty and recovery for low-income individuals.

“The Bermuda Equal Justice Initiative will be launching a Book & Laptop Drive for inmates housed in our island’s correctional facilities, and we’ll soon be announcing our inaugural educational bursary designed to help young Bermudians pursue their formal educational qualifications so that they can return to the island to contribute to justice reform.

“BEJI is determined to rectify the inequalities present in Bermuda’s legal system, ensuring fairness and justice for all individuals, regardless of race, political affiliation, or economic status.”

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