Govt House On Bomb Threat Hoaxes In OTs

May 21, 2024 | 2 Comments

Following a series of hoax bomb threats received by British Overseas Territories, including Bermuda. the Governor said her “office is working with the full range of Bermudian authorities and institutions to review our response and ensure that lessons learned are properly and rapidly applied.”

Governor Rena Lalgie said, “Over recent weeks a series of hoax bomb threats have been received by a number of British Overseas Territories, including Bermuda. As the internal security of Bermuda, and consequently aviation security, are Constitutional responsibilities of the Governor, my office is working with the full range of Bermudian authorities and institutions to review our response and ensure that lessons learned are properly and rapidly applied.

“We are being supported by UK experts in law enforcement and airport security to further upskill relevant officials on bomb threat assessment processes, and to ensure that the high standards of security required of our critical national infrastructure are maintained and improved.

“Separately, a concerted effort by law enforcement agencies in Bermuda, other overseas territories, the UK and the USA, to trace and stop the source of these hoaxes, is under way. I would like to reassure all who live in and visit Bermuda that your safety and security is our primary concern.”

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    Is the SAS available on short notice for live fire field trips? Talk is cheap and there are really no repercussions for hackers. If caught, the good ones get hired by governments and security firms. The dumb ones get short jail sentences or time served.

  2. Micro says:

    Over 40 min and not a single emergency vehicle or authority approached the aircraft or took any sort of command.

    Lots been said about airport workers and how long it took for steps to arrive but what about the fact not a single emergency response team were at the aircraft for another 10 minutes after the aircraft was evacuated.

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