Actuaries Of Bermuda Celebrates Official Launch

June 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Actuaries of Bermuda [AOB] has officially launched, marking a significant milestone for the island’s actuarial community.

A spokesperson said, “On Tuesday, June 11th, over 85 of Bermuda’s actuarial professionals gathered to celebrate the establishment of this vibrant new association. The event successfully raised awareness about AOB, boosting membership to over 165 individuals. The launch was made possible through the generous sponsorship of Milliman, reflecting their commitment to the actuarial profession in Bermuda.”

“We are proud to support the Actuaries of Bermuda and its mission to foster professional development and community among actuaries on the island,” stated Su Meng Lee from Milliman Bermuda.

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Sylvia Oliveira, President of AOB, emphasized the association’s mission to build a community of learning, networking, and professional growth.

She said, “AOB’s vision is to create a platform where all actuaries, regardless of their area of practice or experience level, can connect and grow together. Seeing this vision come to life with such a vibrant turnout is truly rewarding.”

The event featured engaging activities, including a blind wine tasting and ‘Find an Actuary Who….Bingo.’

Ben Stevens, a senior actuarial associate from Athene, praised the event, saying, “It was a great opportunity to meet experienced professionals and newcomers in a fun and informal setting. The wine tasting and bingo were fantastic ice-breakers.”

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“In Bermuda’s thriving insurance industry, actuaries play a crucial role in navigating risks and complexities arising from economic uncertainties and evolving regulatory landscapes. AOB aims to provide continuing education and networking opportunities for actuarial professionals, facilitating knowledge sharing, discussion of emerging trends, and exploration of innovative solutions. To date, the association has held three educational sessions, covering topics such as Bermuda regulatory changes, the role of the Bermuda Approved Actuary and Loss Reserve Specialist, and legacy insurance.

“AOB is also committed to community engagement, stressing the importance of mentoring the next generation of actuaries and inspiring local students to consider the profession. Cyana Burgess, AOB Community Chair, shared her excitement about the launch, saying, “The outcome of this event was greater than I imagined. It created an opportunity for Bermudian actuaries and students to meet and feel a sense of belonging. I appreciate every actuary who was able to come out! It was a wonderful night of networking and fun.”

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“The AOB executive committee includes Sylvia Oliveira, Ciara Izuchukwu, Steffin DuPreez, Taiyana Allen, Nina Coetzer, Cyana Burgess, Winnie Igbokwe, and Manisha Dias.

“Looking ahead, the Actuaries of Bermuda is excited to organize more events that will benefit its members and advance the actuarial profession on the island. Bermuda-based actuarial professionals are encouraged to become members by emailing or joining online at AOB’s membership page.

“With the successful launch event behind them, the Actuaries of Bermuda is poised to become a cornerstone of the island’s actuarial community, offering valuable opportunities for networking, learning, and professional development.”

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