Destra Garcia Talks About Music, Bermuda, More

June 8, 2024 | 0 Comments

Trinidadian soca superstar Destra Garcia, known for her electrifying performances and boundary-pushing music, spoke to us exclusively about her love for soca, her diverse heritage, and her return to Bermuda for “Soca in the City”, happening on Saturday, June 15.

Destra Garcia Bermuda June 2024

A Special Connection With Bermuda

Destra’s connection with Bermuda is not just about the performances but extends to the island’s culture and people.

“I love Bermuda,” she said. “One of my first experiences in Bermuda was experiencing the beautiful beaches and the excitement of the people. [I remember] the crowds that came out, and how they love Soca and the appreciation for my work.”

Destra’s performances in Bermuda have left an indelible mark on her, bringing out the best in her on stage. “The energy ball between the crowd and me is incredible. It’s like throwing energy back and forth until it culminates into a fantastic performance,” she enthuses.

Soca In The City: A Carnival of Rhythms

This Saturday, Destra will grace the stage at Soca in the City, held at BAA Car Park. The event, boasting a lineup that includes Mical Teja, the 2024 Trinidad Road March winner, as well as notable local acts like Fire Wayne and the Rated E Dancers, promises to be a highlight for soca enthusiasts.

Destra’s music, known for its diversity, mirrors her rich cultural background. “I’m part French, Spanish, African. This mix influences everything I do. Whether it’s the Indian-infused or Spanish-infused songs, the common thread is the pulsating Caribbean drums, she explained.

The Queen of Bacchanal has collaborated with dozens of renowned artists over the years. Discussing her approach to collaborations and music, she said she values the uniqueness artists she works with bring to the table. She cherishes the new dimensions these collaborations introduce into her music, revealing a preference for uniqueness and diversity, which also resonates deeply with her audiences.

Music in the Bloodline: A Family Legacy

Outside the studio, Destra is profoundly influenced by the legends of music, including Bob Marley and Whitney Houston, the latter of which she describes as a significant vocal influence. “I’ve never done vocal training, but just trying to sing Whitney’s songs and emulating her in my younger years helped me to train my vocals,” she shares.

For Destra, music is deeply familial and intrinsic. “My grandfather was a saxophonist. He used to play in a jazz band and also tour just like I do now. I grew up in a family of diverse music tastes. So for me, music is very much embedded in my DNA,” she recalls. She sees herself continuing her family’s legacy, contributing to the vibrant culture of soca with every performance.

An Unforgettable Night of Soca

Regarding her performance in Bermuda at Soca in the City, Destra is as enthusiastic as ever. “I know what the audience expects of me, and I’m ready to deliver. We have a great chemistry,” she notes, promising a night of unforgettable music and passion.

Joining her is Mical Teja, who brings a modern twist to traditional sounds. He admits he likes experimenting with traditional music and bringing it into a modern space. This captures the essence of contemporary soca, he added.

As the gates open on Saturday at 5pm and the Caribbean beats take over, Destra and Mical Teja are both ready to transform the BAA Car Park into a haven of soca music. For more information or advanced tickets, $110, visit and

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