Household Income And Expenditure Survey

June 20, 2024 | 4 Comments

The Department of Statistics issued a reminder to the public about the ongoing 2024 Household Income and Expenditure Survey [HIES] data collection, which commenced on January 2, 2024.

A Government spokesperson said, “Historically conducted approximately every ten years, the HIES is an island-wide survey of 1,500 randomly selected private households. This survey is crucial for Bermuda as it collects information on residents’ expenditures in areas such as food, housing, clothing, and transportation. Additionally, various sources of household income data are collected.

“In alignment with international best practices, which account for seasonal variations, the survey will be held over 12 months, ending December 31, 2024. The information collected will be used to:

“1. Update the basket of goods and services and household expenditure weights to calculate the Consumer Price Index by sector. This index can be used to adjust salaries, insurance premiums, rents, pensions, etc.

“2. Understand the income and expenditure patterns of households.

“3. Gauge the living standards of Bermuda’s residents.

“4. Update consumer expenditure estimates to estimate Bermuda’s Gross Domestic Product.

“5. Support informed decision-making by the Government and the private sector.

The Minister of Economy and Labour, Jason Hayward said, “Producing reliable and relevant statistics is crucial for data-driven decision-making. The 2024 HIES is vital in understanding Bermuda’s current conditions. The data gathered will impact the future of all residents, likely for the next ten years. We sincerely thank each household selected for their ongoing cooperation with this survey, which will help guide the future of our island home. Your dedication and commitment are greatly appreciated.”

“Households selected for participation under the Statistics Act 20022 can be assured that all gathered information and data are confidential and protected under the Act.

“The randomly selected households received brochures and letters notifying them of their interview month. Interviewers visiting the selected households will have a letter of authenticity and an ID card identifying themselves as authorised representatives from the Department of Statistics.

“The Department of Statistics is seeking additional interviewers to help complete the remaining survey households. Interested individuals are encouraged to email for more information.

“We extend our gratitude to the public for their continued understanding, patience, and cooperation throughout this process.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The Minister of Economy and Labour, Jason Hayward said, “Producing reliable and relevant statistics is crucial for data-driven decision-making.””


  2. Ringmaster says:

    Why does it take a year to complete the survey of 1,500 households? The “data” will be out of date before it’s finished, let alone when the results are known.

  3. trufth says:

    I’ll share my personal data when you share details of the cyber attack.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      How about you share your Household Income and Expenditure data immediately following disclosure of the same by all 12 cabinet Ministers?

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