John Seymour Announced As OBA Candidate

June 11, 2024 | 24 Comments

The OBA announced that  John Seymour will be their candidate for Constituency 16, Pembroke East Central.

A spokesperson said, “John Seymour is the One Bermuda Alliance candidate for constituency 16, Pembroke East Central. Along with being a talented musician who has graced many stages both in Bermuda and internationally, John is an entrepreneur who is passionate about making a positive difference in Bermuda.

“The father of one is most passionate about Bermuda possessing a robust and stimulating education system that all students, no matter their career aspirations, can thrive in.

“There are too many young people who are feeling displaced in today’s workforce, who feel that they don’t fit because of lack of opportunities available to them. This can no longer be the case. We must empower them and give them hope.

John Seymour OBA Candidate Bermuda June 2024

“The escalation of violent crimes in Bermuda is past worrying, particularly bladed articles and gun violence. How many times can we offer our condolences to bereaved families. Where is the action across the community? We cannot allow lawlessness to take over our beautiful island home. We cannot afford for any more families to endure unnecessary pain.” John adds that another issue which needs immediate attention in Bermuda is the escalating cost of living, “It’s scary how many people are suffering in silence, especially our seniors. They have worked too hard to have to be scrounging in their golden years because they have to ensure that they can afford to buy groceries. It’s just not right.”

The spokesperson said, “A former student of Warwick Academy and CedarBridge Academy, John is currently completing a BA with the highly regarded Berklee College of Music. He is also an awardee of the Ross Blackie Talbot, Bermuda Musical & Dramatic Society [BMDS] and Peter Leitner Arts scholarships.

“He is also the Minister of Music at First Church of God North Shore. In his spare time, John enjoys reading books and educating himself in world history. He also enjoys playing golf, piano, volunteering, teaching music, cooking, exercise.

“John cites one of his greatest accomplishments, along with his brother Jesse, as taking care of his late senior parents, Gregory and Jennifer.”

Constituency 16 Pembroke East Central is currently held by the PLP’s Michael Weeks. He was the only candidate for the seat in 2020, and he won it with 93.39% of the vote in the 2017 General Election, marking the highest winning percentage of all 36 constituencies. The PLP have won the seat in all the General Elections since the single seat system started in 2003.

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Comments (24)

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  1. Watching says:

    In the most PLP seat in the island. Check the results here since single seats in 2003. In 2020 OBA couldn’t even find anyone to run. Why didn’t they put you in a competitive seat John?

  2. John says:

    Long are the days that the UBP/OBA were accused of having better business acumen.

    • Billy says:

      Now the UBP/OBA is looking for anyone to make the party look BLK! Well that’s not going work anymore.

  3. Patty Ann says:

    Come on John. They are using you. The Milkman is not active anymore to help you. I don’t think that you will be a value to the team. You are not a good candidate for any party.

    • Claudia Stone says:

      On the contrary, Mr. Seymour is a stellar candidate who is willing to take a stand and make a positive contribution to our island, unlike those who write negative comments and complain.

      • Singleton says:

        Have you met John? Well I have he is a pawn in this game. They are using him so they have someone to run. Personally, I think John should sit down. Do something positive in the community and we can stand behind you. You are about self just like Sancha. Two peas in a pod. Nothing with substance.

  4. VIP says:

    In Chess, the Pawns go first!

    If he can’t see he’s just being used for the color of his skin, it’s truly game over for politics in the ubpoba.

    • hmmm says:

      The PLP want you to believe that myth because it keeps them in power. The PLP cant even maintain the roads, yet you vote them in. The PLP are clearly using you.

      • Eyes wide open says:

        The entire OBAUBP party is made up of a 97% white voter base but they place all BLACK candidates. WHY IS THAT? Are you saying now that the whites in the party are DUMB or just keep trying political trickery every election?

        Even a blind man can see why you front black men and women.

        • Xx oba voter says:

          The island is majority black. Whites make up a small segment of the community. The oba is a white political party and in order to win they can never have a white leader. Milkman Dunkley tried that and he received a 30-6 at the polls. The oba must run black candidates to help make the party appear diverse. That’s the truth and everyone knows this. Don’t talk and don’t tell or they will call you a racist.

          • Question says:

            The only thing the PLP stands for is hatred of white people and foreigners.

            The last thing they want is any kind of diversity.

            • wow says:

              You call it diversity when a white political party aka OBA uses all black faces as fronts?

              The last thing you want is the truth.

              • Question says:

                You’re so racist you refuse to believe that black and white people can possibly work together. Blinded by hate, like most PLP bigots.

                • White Wash says:

                  How is working together when the oba’s voter base is all white??????

                  The only black members are the candidates walking around as surrogates/uncles.

                  • LOL - the real one says:

                    Why are you so racist?

                  • Question says:

                    The OBA has all parts of our society cooperating, working together, and you hate it. It’s typical PLP.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Please explain to us how it is that all these educated black Bermudians who run for the OBA don’t realize that they’re being used .
      Are you suggesting that they’re all dumb ?

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “Please explain to us …”

        The politics of hate works. Just look at the United States and the United Kingdom.

      • Truth says:

        Dumb and looking to be accepted by a bunch of folks who only want to use them.

      • Truth says:

        How about beyond dumb!

      • Toodle-oo says:

        I have a strong feeling that if he was running for the PLP we’d instead be hearing about how deep the talent pool is .. haha

  5. Unbelievable says:

    The attempts of shaming this guy because he’s an OBA candidate are indeed themselves shameful and pathetic.

    The PLP would be irrelevant if it didnt use all this Uncle Tom language and UBP demagoguery. It is simply a tired old relic of the past just like those 40 Thieves they use to fight against.

    I just wish the OBA would wake up and realize this too instead of being so polite.

    • History says:

      I wish the oba would be honest and stop with the racist tactics every election. Using people of color to gain more votes has proven time and time to be a losing strategy.

  6. Warrior says:

    His decision. You app made yours. Now he wants to give back to his Constituency. Bermudians, most can,t encourage, some struggle to do so and the rest, Thank you.

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