Sir John Swan Reflects On By-Election Results

June 11, 2024 | 1 Comment

Following his recent by-election experience, Sir John Swan expressed gratitude to Constituency 10 voters, highlighting the need for change in Bermuda’s political system and announcing plans to form a forum dedicated to fostering a new political movement.

John Swan said, “I have taken the time since the Bye Election to reflect on the results and the journey we took to reach that point. I have never suffered an election defeat before and found the experience both valuable and humbling. But most importantly, I came away from the 22nd with a profound sense of gratitude to those who took the time to vote in Constituency 10.

“After reflection and discussion with my colleagues, I realise that we did extremely well. We launched into this campaign with only five weeks before the election day, we had no party apparatus, no systems and no external financial support. One thing that parties do well is fight elections. In fact, it has become their single greatest focus, from the moment they are elected, to the moment of the next election, huge amounts of attention, resources and focus are spent on getting re-elected. And thereby hangs the problem. We need the focus to be on our future, our destiny.

“For us to come within approximately 12 voters of winning this bye election after so short a period of preparation and as an independent is an extraordinary result. I am not sure that any independent, running for the first time, as ever come so close to being elected. I am thus accepting the result as a fundamental endorsement for the need for change in our political governance system. As there has been several individuals who have approached me about running as independent candidates, I am committing to provide encouragement, organisation where needed, guidance and advice to all other individuals who wish to discuss the possibility of joining an independent movement for change.

“Soon, I shall be announcing the creation of a forum which will bring together people who share the dream of a new Bermuda, who endorse the need for fundamental change in how we govern ourselves. This forum will create a new dialogue for Bermuda and interested people, discussing how the change that we agree is needed can be delivered.

“Make no mistake, the political parties have sophisticated political machinery, computer data bases and people who spend many hours plotting how they can achieve political success for their party. The Forum I speak of will seek rather to encourage a new movement, build momentum for change. I will make myself available personally and I shall ask those who have already advised me they wish to help, to provide the core of this new forum.

“I shall announce further details soon. In the meanwhile, I would ask anyone seeking to be part of this change, who feel the urgent need to cause a significant course correction in our ship of state, to contact me as per the information below.

“Finally, I end as I began. Thanking the people of smiths North for being so warm, so encouraging and so supportive. I know we asked a lot of you; to break with the traditions of decades and many of you responded positively, others told me they will when given the opportunity. May 22nd was a beginning, a new journey has begun.”

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  1. Best wishes. says:

    He is very capable of making a BIG difference and gaining headlines but the winning party will say NO 99% of the time to all independents who won’t even be considered for a $1 for community projects they need for their constituents.

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