OUTBermuda Relaunches ICON Awards

June 7, 2024 | 0 Comments

OUTBermuda reintroduced the OUTBermuda ICON Awards during Pride Month, inviting nominations until July 31, with winners to be revealed at the Gala and ICON Awards on August 30.

A spokesperson said, “As the world marks the arrival of Pride Month, OUTBermuda is excited to celebrate the rich history and ongoing fight for equality that Pride represents. Pride Month, recognized globally in June, stems from the earliest protests for LGBTQ+ rights, such as the Stonewall riots. It is a time to reflect on our past, celebrate the progress we’ve made, and plan for the future we hope to shape. We see this month as a crucial period for strengthening community, enhancing visibility, and promoting the fundamental rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.

“This year, we are proud to reintroduce the OUTBermuda ICON Awards in a new format as part of the Pride festivities. This initiative is designed to honor the heroes of our community: those who advocate tirelessly for LGBTQ+ rights, offer support to our community, and lead by example. The ICON Awards will spotlight the significant contributions of both individuals and organizations across four categories: Role Model of the Year, Ally of the Year [Individual], Ally of the Year [Organization/Company], and the Trailblazer Award.”

“As co-chair of the programs committee, I am super excited about the relaunch of the ICON Awards with all new categories and to be accepting nominations from the community. To me the awards represent a crucial opportunity to recognize and celebrate those unsung heroes who work tirelessly for LGBTQ Bermudians all year round and I hope the community will see the value and participate through submitting a nomination or attending the awards.” said Taj Donville-Outerbridge, Board Member of OUTBermuda.

The spokesperson said, “Each nominee will be evaluated based on their visibility, compassion, integrity, and alignment with our vision of creating a Bermuda where LGBTQ+ individuals are free from discrimination and stigma. In addition to these core values, the nominees will be assessed on the category specific criteria below:

  • Role Model of the Year: This award recognizes an LGBTQ+ individual who significantly inspires and supports the local community through their actions, presence, and leadership. The recipient serves as a prominent example for young queer people in Bermuda, living openly and proudly, and demonstrates motivation, support, visibility, and leadership.
  • Ally of the Year [Individual]: Awarded to a non-LGBTQ+ individual who has shown exceptional support and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community over the past year. If the nominee is LGBTQ+, they are recognized for their allyship to a sector of the community they do not identify with. Criteria include active support, advocacy, engagement in LGBTQ+ initiatives, and a significant positive impact on the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Ally of the Year [Organization/Company]: This category honors an organization or company that has demonstrated outstanding support for the local LGBTQ+ community through donations, community engagement, or advocacy. The winning entity provides financial or logistical support, creates safe and welcoming spaces, engages in advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights, and actively participates in LGBTQ+ events and initiatives.
  • Trailblazer Award: Given to an LGBTQ+ person or group that has made significant, pioneering progress for the local community, either over a substantial period or through undeniable impact. This lifetime achievement award celebrates groundbreaking achievements and leadership in advancing LGBTQ+ rights and visibility. The recipient is recognized for pioneering firsts, long-term impact, leadership, and inspiration.

“Nominations are now open and will be accepted until July 31st via this form pride.bm/nominate. A panel of judges will then review the submissions, and winners will be announced during the Gala and ICON Awards on Friday, August 30th.

“Tickets for the award ceremony and gala are also now live on our website pride.bm.

“As we embark on this exciting Pride Month with our Pride festivities just a couple months away, we invite everyone to nominate their LGBTQ+ heroes and allies for the OUTBermuda ICON Awards and get their tickets for the gala with a Pride month discount. Let’s honor those who have paved the way and those who continue to advocate for a more inclusive and accepting society.

“For more details on the awards, nominations, and the upcoming Bermuda Pride, please visit www.pride.bm.”

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