Road Council Promotes Safe Travel For Carnival

June 11, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Bermuda Road Safety Council urges Carnival weekend event planners to incorporate comprehensive transportation plans to prevent drunk driving and ensure the safety of all attendees.

A spokesperson said, “As we approach the vibrant and exhilarating Carnival weekend, the Bermuda Road Safety Council wants to emphasize the importance of our Transportation Plan initiative. We strongly encourage all event planners, organizers, and hosts of large events to integrate a comprehensive transportation plan for event-goers.

“Carnival is a time of celebration, fun, and festivity, where many will enjoy the lively atmosphere and, naturally, partake in alcohol consumption. To ensure the safety of all, it is crucial that no one who has been drinking gets behind the wheel. Driving under the influence is illegal and poses a severe risk to everyone on our roads.

“A transportation plan provides a safe and reliable means for attendees to travel to and from events, especially when they plan to drink. This can involve arranging designated pick-up and drop-off points where event-goers can be transported via minibuses, taxis, or other forms of shared transport. Additionally, options for water transportation can be considered for those events near the coast.

“We at the Bermuda Road Safety Council are ready to collaborate with event organizers to create and implement these transportation plans. Our goal is to prevent drunk driving and ensure everyone can enjoy the Carnival festivities safely.

“This initiative has proven successful in the past, significantly contributing to safer roads during high-traffic events. We urge all event planners to adopt this approach and help make our community a safer place.

“Remember, the Bermuda Road Safety Council firmly stands against drunk driving. We ask all motorists to join us in this stance. Let’s ensure that our celebrations do not turn into tragedies.

“For assistance setting up your transportation plan, contact the Bermuda Road Safety Council at

“Stay safe, plan ahead, and let’s have a fantastic Carnival weekend!”

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