Scott Barnes Suffers Bad Luck In Series

June 4, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Karting driver Scott Barnes endured a weekend blighted by bad luck during the second round of the Stars Championship Series, the King of the Castle, in New Castle, Indiana.

Barnes, who made a flying start to the series at Queen City Gambit at the Charlotte Motor Speedway in North Carolina last month, started well enough, finishing sixth in heat one in the overall Shifter Masters class and first in the ROK class on Saturday.

However, things took a turn for the worse in the second heat when his throttle cable broke forcing him out of the race, and then, in the pre-final, his team, Maranello USA, suffered disqualification for using the wrong compound slick tyres.

It left Barnes at the rear of the grid in the final on Sunday, with his race coming to a premature end when he got caught up in a wreckage.

“I had one of my worst weekends in a long time,” Barnes told Bernews. “We had bad luck from the jump. It was one of those weekends when nothing went right.

“I’ll shake it off and hopefully put things right next month.”

The 39-year-old has not given up on a podium finish in the overall championship and remains in the mix for the ROK class title.

“Mathematically, we’re still in the hunt, not so much for the overall, but in my class,” he said.

“I’m in second place, 70 points behind the leader. We can’t afford any more back luck in the last two rounds.”

The Stars Championship Series continues with the third round at Clash at the Club at the Motorsports Country Club in Cincinnati, Ohio, from July 12 to 14.

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