Tucker Holds Leadership Workshops For Men

June 5, 2024 | 7 Comments

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Dorian Tucker is speaking at a trio of leadership workshops for the island’s young males at Crawl Gospel Hall in Hamilton Parish this month.

Tucker gained a valuable insight into the male psyche of the inmates he encountered during his 36 years working as a correction officer and believes the guidance young males receive during their formative years at home is integral in shaping their futures.

He has teamed up with Dean Furbert, a former principal at Francis Patton Primary School, in hosting the workshops, the first of which titled, The Family Dynamic, was held last Saturday [June 1] and open to mothers, fathers, grandparents, and any guardian raising a son.

“During my years as a corrections officer, I watched our young men with absent fathers go to prison,” Mr Tucker told Bernews. “Often we believe it’s because of the economic situation or education system.

“However, it’s quite simple – in most cases men are leading their lives wrong because they don’t have the guidance of a father.

“The beginning of how we train our men to be better happens at the home.

“Thirty-four people attended the first workshop and they wanted to stay long after I’d finished to ask some more questions. I think that’s a sign of a successful workshop!”


The second workshop will be on Saturday [June 8], titled The Leadership of a Man, which is open to males 18 years and above.

“I’ll deal with how men manage their homes and how to be a leader in the home,” he said.

“Men need to know the importance of being in the lives of their sons and grandsons.

“When it comes to the home, we need to create an environment for young men to grow and be prepared to go out into the world.

“I hope the men who came to the first session will return to the second and bring another man with them.”

The third workshop will be the Pre-Father’s Day Breakfast and Session for males 18 and over on June 15.

“It will be focusing on how a man leads his family and continues to lead his family,” Tucker said.

“I’ll look to help them discover their purpose and pass on the legacy of standards, financial standards, and how to ‘build’ a home.”

Each session costs $10, with tickets available at www.gpass.bm.

For more information, call 737-2207 or 334-7700.

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  1. Sam Furbert says:

    Long and rambling. Didn’t enjoy it at all….

  2. PACK MAN says:

    Sam it is easy for you to make critisism , so where and what are your enjoyable solutions.

    What can we expect ,when, we are presently living in a world of Wars ; Mistrust ; Lies ; Deceipt ; Covid 19 ; Greed ; Drugs ; Alcohol; Political confontation ; Religion; National debt; Private debt ; Crime; B on B slauter ; Internal racism; Inflation ; Irisponsibility; and the lack of Accountability.

    Something that we as a country cannot be are not be to proud of.

    Unfortunately we are not alone as other countries are facing the same thing .

    Untill this country face up to reality we are going no where.
    Living in the past is not a very good option.

    The money tree died 20 years ago .

    There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to greed is all it various forms.
    Blame never solved any thing that made things worse .

    Let me put all that aside for the time being and deal with the real problem which are young people are facing be it Public ; Private or Parental Education, are the distractions or the complete lack of interest shown by some of our young people and their parents the real problem .

    Where are the Doctors Nurses lawyers and Bankers Plumbers and Carpenters and Farmers we are supposed to produce, or is it taxi drivers that are in in high demand.

    The days of the Chalk and Black board are over and Sri does not have all the answers.

    Every generation has parents who have fallen through the cracks marriage is not for every one as single parenting puts the responsibility on the mother.

    Education cost money, that is what many people do not have as 10 % devaluation of our currency hurts every body .

    Money needs to be controled and not trrown away on thing we do not need.

    It is a known fact that the young will learn from the old, that can only happen when their in the wisdom force retirement on people before their time.
    I am a clasic example of that as some thing you will all face in time .
    We are all living beyond our means many of our people are living in debt or pay check topay check.
    So what are the real solutions higher education. or is the bottom line just a little common sense .

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      The politics of hate are keeping governments in power. In the U.K. and the U.S. it is anti-immigration. In Bermuda it is black versus white.

      I would love for Bermuda to show the world how to change by working together, but I do not see that happening anytime soon.

      • Oh really says:

        It’s a black versus white thing in the USA also wake up idiot. Maybe the OBA needs to stop fronting blacks as fronts line surrogates and be real with the voters.

      • Wow says:

        You sound like white privileged in denial. Maybe you can tell us why the OBA or UBP which is a majority 95% white party uses 5% puppets as candidates?

        • Question says:

          The PLP is a purely black party, other than one or two tokens. It’s deliberate political apartheid. Hatred of white people and foreigners is about the only thing the PLP really believes in.

          • Truth says:

            The oba is so twisted and screwed up they had to change the name from ubp. Let’s not forget they dare not run a white leader LMAO. They keep displaying black men/women at the frontlines hoping this strategy will make a white party look diverse, while the clowns in the back pull the strings. It’s so obvious you can’t even makes this story up and all the voters know this.

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