Human Rights Commission 2023 Annual Report

July 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Human Rights Commission has released their 2023 Annual Report.

A spokesperson said, “The Human Rights Commission’s 2023 annual report was laid in the House of Assembly and will be sent to the Upper House next week.

“The report details the work the Commission has undertaken during the calendar year 2023 and highlights achievements, observations and activities. These include:

  • a 28% increase in the number of intakes when compared with the previous year. For the sixth year, sex, place of origin, ethnic or national origins and disability were identified more frequently by members of the public as the basis for alleged discrimination.
  • Leave to intervene as a third party in the proceedings of a matter before the European Court of Human Rights, which concerns the revocation of a right to same-sex marriage in Bermuda.
  • The launch of an awareness campaign designed to raise the profile of the HRC and educate the public about their human rights in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1981.
  • Results from the Commission’s Island wide consultation to obtain the public perspectives on a variety of human rights issues to inform recommendations to the Government of Bermuda.
  • A feature on Bermuda Is Love as an example of individual human rights advocacy in support of collective rights.
  • Summary of Human Rights Tribunal Matters.

“The 72-page report can be found on the Human Rights Commission’s website at

“It can also be collected in person at the Office of the Commission at 32 Victoria Street, Milner Place, Ground Floor, Hamilton.

“As the National Human Rights Institution for Bermuda, the Human Rights Commissions’ vision is a Bermuda that honours human rights for all.

“Find out more by phone 295-5859, email, website, and social media platforms, Facebook – Bermuda Human Rights Commission.”

The full Human Rights Commission’s 2023 Annual Report follows below [PDF here]:

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