Kim Swan Thankful Following Medical Ordeal

July 24, 2024 | 2 Comments

St. George’s West MP Kim Swan is recovering following an unexpected 10-day medical ordeal after he experienced serious complications during an outpatient surgery.

A spokesperson said, “MP Kim Swan took medical leave when he was admitted for outpatient surgery nearly two weeks ago – along with a period to convalescence. Unfortunately there were complications and the MP was kept for precautions. Sadly, in the ensuing days those complications led to an emergency surgery which identified and addressed the problem.”

Mr. Swan said, “I’ve had my share of ordeals in life, personally, professionally, and politically, and like most in my life they’ve come out of the blue.

“This present setback was totally unexpected but I was blessed to have been in the good care of a first class surgical team together with a caring medical team and staff at KEMH.”

Kim Swan Bermuda July 23 2024

The spokesperson said, “Kim Swan, MP, has announced to the Party Leader, Speaker, House of Assembly, Government Whip, Party Chairman, and his PLP Branch Chairman that he was on medical leave.

“On Friday July 12th and 19th, 2024 MP HKE Swan was officially acknowledged as giving his apologies. It pains Kim to be absent from parliamentary sessions. He has prided himself on being a strong voice for the people of St. George and proud to support the good work and accomplishments of the Bermuda Progressive Labour Party government he proudly serves.”

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  1. Hilarious says:

    All the best for a complete recovery.

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    May your recovery be swift and complete, Kim.

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