Ministry To Host Visitor Area At Cup Match

July 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be hosting of a special visitor area during the two days of Cup Match.

A Government spokesperson said, “The viewing area will be located near the second gate of the Somerset Cricket Club, near the field, so that visitors can hear and see all the play-by-play action.

“The Ministry’s visitor camp will provide tourists with refreshments, including the sampling of local cuisine, and visitors will also receive an overview of Bermuda’s Cup Match history when they visit the area.

Today the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Sen. Owen Darrell said, “This is the first year that the Ministry has hosted this kind of activity at Cup Match. We will be providing refreshments, music, and engaging commentary, and just an overall relaxed atmosphere. We’re keen foster a deeper understanding of Bermuda’s heritage among our visitors, and what better way to do it than at Cup Match. This will truly enrich the visitor experience and showcase Bermuda’s diverse offerings, so we’re very much looking forward to welcoming our visitors on Thursday and Friday.”

Minister Darrell - Cup Match Visitor Stand Bermuda July 30 2024 divider line 2039852
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