MSA’s Rotary Interact Club Report For 2023/24

July 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

Mount Saint Agnes Academy’s Rotary Interact Club President Chrishanté Dill has released a report covering their recent activities.

Ms. Dill said, “On October 20, 2023, we had a brief Rotary Interact Club meeting during our lunch break from 11:45am to 12:06pm. We introduced our High School Advisor, Mrs.Richardson. Then we mentioned our new wxecutives for the High School Rotary Club for 2023 to 2024: myself, Chrishanté Dill as President, Liana Franco as Vice President, Colin Cardoza as Treasurer, Andreia Correia as Historian, and Will Sabean as Secretary.

“We explained some projects we would like to start for this year, which are the following: the Senior Drive and The Girls’ Hygiene Project. The Girls’ Hygiene Project allows those girls in need to receive sanitary pads and tampons. Not many girls have easy access to these items. Mrs. Cathy Bassett, the former Youth Director and the current President of the Hamilton Rotary Club brought this project to my attention.

“Lastly, we took the members’ names and cell phone numbers. I created a WhatsApp group chat to inform everyone about our club events.

“On November 3, 2023, during lunchtime, from 11:45am to 12:30pm, we had a special event. We were honoured to have a guest speaker, Mrs. Peronia, the Assistant District Governor, and a Pembroke member of the Rotary Club visit our school. All of the high school and middle school Rotary Clubs had gathered in the auditorium to meet Mrs. Peronia. My executives and I took this opportunity to introduce ourselves to the Middle School Interactors, Mrs. Peronia, and the other advisors.

“We also took a memorable picture on the stage, and Mrs. Peronia treated us to a delicious pizza lunch and gave us some Rotary Club bags, which we all deeply appreciated.

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“On November 10, 2023, my executive and I met with our advisor. We discussed how we would plan the Seniors’ Drive and the flyers. We concluded that all the Early Learning program students to Grade 3 students should bring in a box of tea bags for the senior citizens, grade 4 students to grade 8 students should bring in tins/packages of cookies/biscuits, and grade 9 to grade 12 students should bring in a box of hot chocolate on December 4, 2023.

“Furthermore, we discussed another project called the Sock Non-Uniform Day. Instead of bringing in two dollars for non-uniforms, we would ask every student to bring in a new pair of adult socks for senior citizens on December 1, 2023. In addition, I sent out a message in the WhatsApp group chat to inform the Interactors about the projects we will be participating in and I advised them to please spread the word to have all of the students participate in giving specific items to the senior citizens.

“Andreia and Colin helped make the fliers and I looked over some of the fliers and Mrs. Richardson approved them. In addition, I went to the office and asked to have these events broadcasted on our school’s platform called Edsby to inform the students. Lastly, my executive and I helped put up fliers around the school’s hallways.

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“On December 2, 2023, some middle school and high school Interactors went to the media lounge near Frog and Onion in Dockyard to watch a movie called ‘Across the Spider-Verse.’ We had voted on which movie we’d like to see. Our supervisors were Mrs. Bassett and Mrs. Peronia. During World Interact Week, the media lounge called all Interactors and advisors to celebrate the Rotary Club members, and there was free admission for Interactors and advisors.

“Everyone appreciated the request. When the movie ended, we took a group picture by the media lounge sign and we received goodie bags from Mrs. Peronia, which we all enjoyed.

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“During lunchtime, on December 4, 2023, my executive and Interactors helped decorate some brown boxes in Christmas wrapping paper. Then, they put the Senior Drive and Sock Non-Uniform items we received from the students into the boxes.

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“During recess time, on December 8, 2023, we took a group picture with the Christmas gifts, and then we helped put the Christmas gifts in Mrs. Laing’s car to be distributed. We supported many rest homes, including Sylvia Richardson Care Facility, Dorothy Crane Nursing Home, Matilda Smith Williams Nursing Home, and Lefroy House Care Community.

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“On March 6, 2024, during our recess time, we gathered the supplies that Mrs. Richardson had brought in, which were the sanitary pads and tampons, the pink containers that I brought in, and the Ziploc bags supplied by the Hamilton Rotary Interact Club. Next, we started organizing the items in the Ziploc bags and containers, and then we also distributed them in the bathrooms.

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“On March 7, 2024, our advisor, Mrs. Richardson, informed the office to make announcements that there are sanitary pads and tampons in the bathrooms and that people can take some if they needed them.

“On May 18, 2024, we helped KBB clean up an area at Riddell’s Bay with other volunteers and Interactors from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Palmer, our advisors, came to help out, and our religion teacher, Mrs. Tailford, came, too. We put recyclable waste in the blue bags and non-recyclable waste in the black trash bags.

“After that, we were given S’mores treat bags from Mrs. Peronia and we were also given juices and sodas. Furthermore, Mr. Andrew had cooked the hot dogs and hamburgers for us for lunch. Mrs. Bassett and Mrs. Peronia awarded Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Palmer for their hard work, and they also thanked the high school and middle school executives and other interactors for their hard work. Lastly, we collected a lot of trash bags from this clean-up that we did with other volunteers and interactors.

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“On June 27, 2024, it was senior graduation day. I was presented the Rising Star Award Trophy for my outstanding service in Rotary Interact Club by Mrs. Bassett and Mrs. Peronia. I was also presented with a certificate of acknowledgment in a frame, which I deeply appreciated.

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“In conclusion, our meetings vary by being held on Fridays at lunchtime or anytime during the week at lunch or recess time. Our meetings are always held in Mrs. Richardson’s classroom to discuss our upcoming projects. We also have another supervisor named Mrs. Cathy Bassett to assist us. For our high school’s Rotary Club, we have 15 members.

“The new middle school Rotary Club’s advisors for 2023 to 2024 are Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Foggo. The new middle school Rotary Club Executive for 2023 to 2024 are Isaac Todd as President, Scy DeVent as Vice President, Niamh Serrana as Secretary, and Nathan Cuarentas as Historian. In addition, for our Middle School’s Rotary Club, they have are sixty members. Moreover, I would like to thank Mrs.Cathy Bassett for mentoring me from when I started as the President of the MSA’s Rotary Interact Club in 2022 to the present.

“I greatly appreciate her guidance and have learned a lot from her. I want to thank my executives and Interactors for helping with these wonderful projects we have created. Furthermore, I would like to thank Mrs. Peronia for her assistance, as well as to my adviser, Mrs. Richardson, for providing us with the supplies we needed for our amazing projects. I want to thank my principal, Mrs. Machado, for allowing us to create these projects.

“Lastly, the executives and I are looking forward to hearing about the new projects you guys bring to the Rotary Club for the new year and we wish you guys all the best of luck.”

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