PLP & Minister Respond To MP Scott Pearman

July 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

The claims by OBA MP Scott Pearman are “intended to divide Bermudians” PLP Chairperson Dawn Simmons claimed, while Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said while the “Opposition’s statements may suggest a willingness to operate in a bipartisan manner, their actions of launching attacks via the media say otherwise.”

This follows after Mr Pearman said yesterday morning that “Belco’s latest decision to increase Bermuda’s already high electricity costs – with the kilowatt hour rate projected to go up next month by almost 14% – amounts to a punch in the gut for everyday Bermudians.”

Yesterday evening, the Government announced it “will reduce energy taxes by at least 50%” saying the Cabinet approved the reduction and they are working to have it tabled in the House of Assembly on Friday “so that the tax cut can go into place with immediate effect.”

PLP Chairperson Dawn Simmons Statement

PLP Chairperson Dawn Simmons stated, “The claims by Mr. Scott Pearman of the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] are misleading, incorrect and intended to divide Bermudians while the country is seeking unity.

“In recent years, Bermuda’s economy has experienced record growth, with more Bermudians working in international business than ever, significant recovery in the tourism sector, and the lowest unemployment rate in 40 years.

“He also neglects to mention that under the OBA, “creative tax solutions” meant increasing taxes on working people to historic highs, furlough days, neglecting seniors, and cutting investment in social programs and scholarships.

“The OBA’s financial mismanagement left Bermudians with over $200 million in liabilities from the no bid airport privatisation and the failed Morgans Point project.

“Despite inheriting a $100 million deficit, and navigating Bermuda through a once-in-a-century pandemic, this Government has remained dedicated to providing relief for all Bermudians and we will continue to do so.

“Since 2017, we have reduced payroll taxes for workers to the lowest level in history, with some persons seeing their taxes fall by 90%. When record global inflation threatened to drive prices higher, this Government took decisive action to provide relief, such as freezing fuel prices, eliminating duty on essential goods, increasing our seniors’ pensions in line with the rate of inflation and freezing the standard premium rate for the third year in a row, protecting every policyholder from an increase of $540 this year.

“The Opposition should focus on the facts and avoid creating divisive, unfounded narratives. This Government will continue to prioritise the well-being and financial stability of Bermuda and its people.”

Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban Statement

In a separate statement, Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said, “Regarding the OBA’s purported offer to collaborate on a bipartisan legislative solution to delay Belco cost increases, the facts, however, tell a different story.”

“Firstly, while the OBA claims to have been prepared to work with the Government, it is important to note that at that time, their offer lacked substantive details and actionable plans. In contrast, the PLP recognized the urgency of the situation and took immediate and decisive action.

“The Government’s decision to conduct a much more critical review of the Regulatory Authority’s (RA) methods was a strategic move aimed at addressing the root causes of the proposed cost increases. This review was necessary to ensure that any future adjustments to energy costs are both fair and justified and ultimately protect the interests of the Bermudian people. We continue to work with the RA in the appropriate manner so that Government and regulatory policy keep the interests of all residents and ratepayers a top priority.

“In conclusion, while His Majesty’s Opposition’s statements may suggest a willingness to operate in a bipartisan manner, their actions of launching attacks via the media say otherwise.

“The Government remains dedicated to implementing policies that ensure fair energy prices and protect the livelihoods of Bermudians. The recent developments demonstrate that the Government’s strategy is not only sound but also effective in achieving the desired outcomes for the people of Bermuda.”

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