RA Opens Consultation On BELCO Proposal

July 29, 2024 | 2 Comments

The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda [RA] announced the “start of the Integrated Resource Plan [IRP] consultative process with the release of the BELCO IRP Proposal.”

A spokesperson said, “The IRP is a strategic blueprint outlining Bermuda’s long-term energy future. The IRP Proposal, which is BELCO’s view of the energy future, is now available for the public to review and comment on via the RA website [www.ra.bm].

“The IRP is a comprehensive plan that balances Bermuda’s forecasted electricity demand through a mix of existing and planned resources, incorporating both supply-side and demand-side measures. This iterative process is designed to achieve a practical and sustainable long-term electricity system for Bermuda, ensuring reliability, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with Bermuda’s electricity policy objectives.

“The IRP process is mandated by the Electricity Act 2016, which requires the sole Transmission, Distribution, and Retail [TD&R] Licensee, BELCO, to submit a proposal outlining expected demand and a procurement plan to meet it. The RA then evaluates this proposal, considering all possible resources, including renewable energy options and efficiency measures, to ensure a diversified and robust generation portfolio.”

The RA’s Head of Regulation, Nigel Burgess emphasised the importance of public involvement and due diligence in the IRP process. “The RA’s focus is on making decisions based on data verified by industry experts. We aim to ensure that Bermuda’s energy future is sustainable, as cost-effective as possible, and meets the reliability expected by Bermuda’s residents. We urge all stakeholders, from potential investors to consumers, to review the IRP proposal and provide their valuable feedback. This collaborative approach will help us refine the plan to best meet Bermuda’s energy needs.”

The spokesperson said, “The public consultation period is open for 60 days, allowing all interested parties to review the proposal, submit their opinions and alternative generation proposals. This inclusive process ensures that the IRP reflects a broad spectrum of perspectives and is aligned with the needs and aspirations of the community at large.

“The RA’s commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement is central to the IRP process. By incorporating public feedback, the RA aims to develop an electricity plan that meets demand at the lowest overall cost and considers the economic, environmental, and social implications of different energy solutions.

“The RA encourages everyone to visit their website to read the IRP proposal and participate in the consultation process. The input is crucial in shaping Bermuda’s energy future. For more information, please visit ra.bm.”

The full Integrated Resource Plan [IRP] Proposal Invitation follows below [PDF here]:

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The public consultation period is open for 60 days, allowing all interested parties to review the proposal, submit their opinions and alternative generation proposals.”

    And how many members of the public does the RA believe are equipped by way of training and experience to “submit their … alternative generation proposals”?

  2. Ringmaster says:

    Based on the usual Bermuda inertia, it’s highly unlikely much will change for the foreseeable future, added to which is the realization that cheap green energy is a myth.

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