Premier Thanks Walter Roban For Service

July 2, 2024 | 9 Comments

Premier and PLP Leader David Burt paid tribute to the” long service of Deputy Leader Walter Roban, who has given unselfish service to the Bermuda Progressive Labour Party for 35 years.”

Premier Burt said, “Walter brought me into the PLP as a recent university graduate in 2004 and has served as both a mentor and a friend over the years as we’ve shared political highs and lows. I look forward to continuing to work with and serve with him as Deputy Premier until the next General Election.

“The Deputy Leader and I believe political service should not be a lifetime endeavour. Walter and I both joined the PLP in our 20s and feel strongly that it is important that leaders make way for the next generation of the Progressive Labour Party. As I’ve previously shared, I will not stand for re-election as Leader of the PLP in October 2026, which means that in 2026, the PLP will have a new Leader and Deputy Leader.

“The Progressive Labour Party has significant talent in our ranks, a vibrant youth wing, and many approved candidates seeking seats in the House of Assembly. The Deputy Leader is leaving on his own terms and sets a powerful example of how to step aside to make way for the next generation of PLP leaders.

“Members of the public can look forward to future announcements from myself, as Party Leader, on the developments taking place as the Progressive Labour Party’s Central Committee and Candidates Committee work to ensure that the PLP has a smooth transition to the next generation of leaders of the oldest political party in Bermuda.

“I thank the Deputy Leader for his service, leadership, and sacrifice and join all members of the Bermuda Progressive Labour Party in celebrating his life of political service to our Party and our country.”

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    Now would be an ideal time to not replace retiring politicians and reduce the number of MPs. It’s clear it is impossible to find 36 capable people. Proof is the silence from all the PLP backbenchers. What is their purpose apart from having a well paid cushy and non accountable job, with excellent benefits?

  2. Steve says:


  3. Hilarious! says:

    And his long list of accomplishments for the people of Bermuda is…? (sarcasm)

  4. Steve says:

    Well said

  5. Gerald says:

    What service? Please give me a break

  6. kevin says:

    Politicians are remembered by the impact they make we know we will remember their failures they are many and this crop of imposters have done very little to make our life more enriched they however have done great things for themselves and FF. This crop will leave us (hopefully)….and leave us so very worse off than when they became in charge of the Public purse.

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