Age Concern To Host Public Meeting On Sept 26

September 23, 2024 | 1 Comment

Age Concern invited the public to attend their Public General Meeting on Thursday, September 26th, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM at the Evangelical Church, 1 Mission Road, Paget.

A spokesperson said, “This meeting offers an important opportunity for the public to engage directly with Age Concern and hear updates on their initiatives that impact the lives of Bermuda’s older adults.

“There will be a review of the accomplishments that have taken place over the 2023/24 fiscal year and outline future plans. By attending, you will learn about the pressing issues that affect our aging population, such as healthcare, housing, and social inclusion, and how Age Concern is addressing these challenges through advocacy and support programs. Guest speaker for the event, the Hon. Tinee Furbert JP MP.

Age Concern Public General Meeting Bermuda September 2024

“As the island has a rapidly growing demographic of older adults the issues they face will increasingly affect the entire community. Whether you have older loved ones, are one yourself and perhaps you simply want to contribute to positive change, this meeting offers a chance to be part of the solution.

“Your feedback and participation helps to ensure that Age Concern’s programs meet the evolving needs of Bermuda’s aging community. Together, we can work to improve the lives of older adults and safeguard a better future for all.

“Light refreshments will be provided. We encourage you to bring a friend and come together to make a lasting difference. We look forward to seeing you there!

“To register or learn more, please visit or contact us at 238-7525 or”

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  1. PAC MAN says:

    Bermudiana sayings .

    Too much talk and not enough do !
    Do tomorrow what you do not feel like doing to day !
    The secret long life is , keep moving !
    Procrastination is the mother of invention !
    A life lived in fear is a life half lived !
    No man has no need to be common !
    Do as i say, not what I do !
    Tomorrow may never come for some !
    Live life while you still have the chance !
    Throw a stone it will never come back !
    Building a bridges to no where !
    Working 9 to 5 gets you nothing!
    Working 9 to 9 gets you very thing !
    Working hard is hardly working !
    Where have all the Birds gone ?
    Never push an empty wheelbarrow !
    Inflation will end, when they have done with you !
    When too much money is not enough !.

    Faith, Hope, Love, charity and the greatest of these is ?

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