Brownie Pack Advocates For Environment
A group of girls from the First Devonshire and West Pembroke Brownie Pack is advocating for marine life and promoting environmental responsibility.
A spokesperson said, “A small group of girls who are members of First Devonshire and West Pembroke Brownie Pack meet at First Baptist Church in Devonshire. They have gigantic visions how they can make a change in our oceans by advocating for marine life locally and globally.
“The girls, who range in age from 7 through 10, have bonded and are working as a sisterhood to discuss, plan, and create posters and commercials, coupled with research to advocate for sea creatures who cannot speak for themselves. Their slogan is: save our friends in the sea – it starts with you and me.
“Having started their efforts on September 12th, they have already read stories about pollution and its harmful affects on the oceans, viewed videos, discussed the impact of microplastics on fish, turtles, and other sea life, and signed up to participate in KBB’s Coastal Cleanup, cleaning up one of the Bays on the South Shore on October 6th.
“Presently they are engaged in designing enviro t-shirts displaying their own artwork that send a message encouraging others to refrain from polluting the oceans. Shirts will be sold and part proceeds will go toward the KBB, The Turtle Project at BAMZ, and to the Brownie Enviro Programme. They are planning a trip to Trunk Island, BUEI, and BAMZ, where they will study marine life.
“They will incorporate literature about marine animals and global warming in Brownie studies, and all will join Kids and Plastics, an environmental organization for kids. They will also design trash art and marine costumes from reused clothing and throwaway plastics.
“Tawny Owl Maxine Robinson, a renowned poet, will help girls create poems revolving around the fragile lives of ocean animals, our friends. Friends in Toastmasters will be called on to help hone public speaking skills.
“Public speaking has already started and each girl will be encouraged to write a speech they will share at a symposium they will hold to showcase work done to advocate justice for marine life.
“Several girls have graduated last year to join Girl Guides and some have returned as leader assistants. Girls hail from Elliot, West Pembroke, Harrington Sound, Francis Patton, MSA, BHS, and Saltus Grammar School.
“There is a parent support team who assist the Brownies. Brown Owl Cathy Bassett has been with First Devonshire Brownies for 42 years and amalgamated First West Pembroke Brownies with Devonshire Brownies two years ago.
“Parents interested in Brownies can email Brown Owl at The Brownies meet on Thursdays from 4:15pm to 5:30pm at First Baptist Church in Devonshire. Snowy Owl Aliyah Philpott is online manager of record keeping.”
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