Chris Furbert & Linda Bogle-Mienzer Statement
BIU President Chris Furbert and the BPSU’s Linda Bogle-Mienzer “engaged in an open and constructive dialogue” and have released a joint statement stating that “as leaders in the trade union movement, we understand that workers’ rights cannot be separated from human rights, and it is our shared duty to uphold the dignity and worth of every individual.”
A joint statement on behalf of Mr Furbert and Ms Bogle-Mienzer stated, “On Monday, September 9, 2024, BIU President Bro. Chris Furbert and BPSU Labour Relations Organiser & Community Activist Sis. Linda Bogle-Mienzer came to the table to discuss the impact of the comments made by Bro. Chris at the 40th Annual Labour Day Banquet.
“At this meeting, we engaged in an open and constructive dialogue. Bro. Chris acknowledged that his words unintentionally caused offense, and recognizes the concerns raised by our membership and the broader community.
“For over 40 years, Bro. Chris has passionately advocated for workers’ rights, with integrity, dedication, and a commitment to fairness and justice, without bias and prejudice, regardless of personal views.
“By issuing this joint statement, we want to make it clear that the BIU and BPSU’s shared core values of unity, solidarity, fairness, and respect are non-negotiable and remain at the forefront of everything that our Unions do.
“We stand united together in reaffirming our unwavering commitment to, and respect for, all members of our community. As leaders in the trade union movement, we understand that workers’ rights cannot be separated from human rights, and it is our shared duty to uphold the dignity and worth of every individual.”
” we understand that workers’ rights cannot be separated from human rights, and it is our shared duty to uphold the dignity and worth of every individua”
That is a bit rich coming from the same people who paid “security guards” to threaten me for asking questions they did not like
You have a magnetic personality that attracted them. Did you video the incident on your phone?
Not good enough Chris. I don’t think you wrote this, and you haven’t had quoted what you said. It was wrong, and this many many days later apology that you did not write is pathetic. I guess you folded, where is the check raise?
Good job. This is attitude is necessary in order for common sense prevails
In any advanced country he would have been made to immediately resign, possibly even prosecuted. His comments were horrific.
Which shows what a dinosaur he is and how far Bermuda has to go.
Noticeably absent from this press release are the worrds “I’m sorry” or I apologize”
His silence speaks volumes!
“Noticeably absent from this press release are the worrds “I’m sorry” or I apologize” ”
Why do you think Chris Furbert should apologise for stating his beliefs?
Did all the whites apologize for their racial discriminations against blacks. Did they even go a step beyond and apologize for their ancestors, who enslaved blacks. No they continue to White Wash it.
Utterly irrelevant.
You know what, some things are not about race. What a clown.
Race you must live under a rock clown. Both parties here are winning and losing because of race. Take a look at the usa election and think with that little brain of yours why blacks are leaning on one party vs the other!
LOL. Poor victim.
Did your black forefathers, who started the slave trade, ever apologize?
Now, now. You know it is not fashionable to talk about the slave trade in Africa and Asia that took place centuries before Europeans started buying slaves from tribal leaders and transporting them out of Africa.
Linda should be ashamed too. Talk about selling her people up the river! What a fraud, trailblazer my A.
Man is an idiot.
Self centered.
Have known him over 60 years.