Minister Darrell’s Trip To Cayman Cost $2,402

September 13, 2024 | 3 Comments

A trip in September 2024 by Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport Owen Darrell to the Cayman Island cost $2,402.46, according to a recent listing on the Government’s travel webpage.

The trip duration was listed as from September 1, 2024 – September 4, 2024, and the web page listing said, “Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Senator, the Hon. Owen K. Darrell was invited to attend the CTO Business Meetings hosted by the Caribbean Tourism Organization [CTO] in the Cayman Island from September 2nd to September 5th, 2024.

“Minister Darrell met with other regional tourism ministers including the outgoing CTO chairman, Kenneth Bryan, Minister of Tourism and Ports of the Cayman Islands and newly elected CTO Chairman, the Hon. Ian Gooding-Edghill, Minister of Barbados.

“Minister Darrell said it was beneficial that Bermuda representation was present as the objective of the meeting was to discuss the challenges, opportunities and the recovery of the region, as well as the roadmap to enhance benefits of aviation in the Caribbean.

“Minister Darrell reiterated Mr. Peter Cerda, IATA’s Regional Vice President for the Americas statement that: “The current spirit of cooperation with governments in the region will enable aviation along with the entire tourism and travel value chain to play a key role in the region’s post-pandemic economic and social recovery.”

“Minister Darrell was accompanied by Pandora V. Glasford, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and Rhonda Woods-Smith, Senior Manager of the Tourism Regulation & Policy Unit.”


  • Air Travel: $534.30
  • Ground Transportation: $83.07
  • Accommodation: $1,653.37
  • Meals: $95.72
  • Miscellaneous: $36.00
  • Total costs: $2,402.46

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  1. comfortably numb says:

    What! No first class seats available? Not something Buttons would have accepted. Made up for it with the hotel at $500+ per night. Nice little outing for the two ladies also.

    • Hilarious says:

      Ha! You said it before I did. Flying coach is so sad for a minister but obviously, the pain was relieved with a high-end hotel room mini-bar. Still, this newfangled thing called video conferencing is something that needs to be checked out. It has great potential for cost savings.

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Minister Darrell said it was beneficial that Bermuda representation was present as the objective of the meeting was to discuss the challenges, opportunities and the recovery of the region, as well as the roadmap to enhance benefits of aviation in the Caribbean.”

    Have I missed something? Has Bermuda been dragged south into the Caribbean Sea?

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